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复数goes 复数went 复数gone 复数going 复数goes 

1 . No matter where you goin life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

2 . We'll goto a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.



3 . It's a long way to gofor two people in their seventies.



4 . His wife wasn't feeling too well and she wanted to gohome.



5 . The plan is good; the problem is it doesn't gofar enough.




all the go

1 . (英,非正式,旧)非常流行,风行一时

as (或 so) far as it goes

2 . 考虑到它的局限性(在找理由表扬某事物时说)

as —— go

3 . 与一般的(或典型的)相比

from the word go

4 . (非正式)从一开始

get someone going

5 . (英,非正式)惹怒;使性兴奋

go figure!

6 . (北美,非正式)[用来表示说话人认为某事是令人吃惊的,难以置信的] 真不敢相信

go great gunsgo halves

7 . 平分

going!, gone!

8 . (拍卖人宣布)竞价就要结束(或已结束)

go off on one

9 . (英,非正式)恼怒;激动

going on ——(英亦作 going on for)

10 . 接近(特定的时间、年龄或数量)

go (to) it

11 . (英,非正式)猛劲干;放荡挥霍

go to show

12 . 成为某事的证据(或证明)

go well

13 . (南非)一切顺利[用来对即将离开的人表达良好的祝愿]

have a go at

14 . (主英)攻击;批评

have —— going for one

15 . (非正式)对某人多么有利(或占有多大优势)

make a go of

16 . (非正式)获得成功

to be going on with

17 . (英)开始;首先;暂时

what goes around comes around

18 . (谚)不是不报,时候未到

who goes there?

19 . [哨兵喝问语]谁?

go against

20 . 反对;抵抗

go ahead

21 . 毫不犹豫地进行(或被执行)

go along with

22 . 赞同,同意(某人或其观点)

go around with

23 . 与…交往

go back

24 . (尤指夏令时结束时)(时钟)被拨回到原来的时间

go down on

25 . (粗俚)口交

go down with

26 . (英)得了…病

go forward

27 . (时钟)时间被拨快(尤指夏令时)

go into

28 . (尤指车辆)相撞

go round chiefly Brit. 主英 主 美 亦作

29 . 旋转;循环

go to!

30 . (古)[用来表示怀疑、不耐烦或警告]得啦!

go without

31 . 缺少;被剥夺

go about

32 . 着手做;承担

go along

33 . 合作,配合

go around

34 . 满足需求:满足需要或需求

go at

35 . 进攻:尤指奋力攻击

go by

36 . 消失;经过

go down

37 . 失败,毁灭:体验失败或毁灭

go for

38 . 【非正式用语】 爱好:对…有特别喜欢

go in

39 . 合伙,加入:加入共同的冒险

go off

40 . 爆炸:经历爆破;爆炸

go on

41 . 发生;恰巧发生

go out

42 . 灭掉,熄灭

go over

43 . 受欢迎:获得接受,受欢迎

go through

44 . 仔细检查

go under

45 . 失败:失败,遭受毁灭;未达成

go up

46 . 【多用于英国】上大学

go with

47 . 固定地约会


go all the way

1 . 性交

go back on

2 . 失信,不守承诺

go begging

3 . 很少或没有需求

go belly up【非正式用语】

4 . 彻底经济破产

go bust【非正式用语】

5 . 经受财政崩溃

go by the board

6 . 遗弃,遗忘,忽视

go down on【粗俗用语】【俚语】

7 . 与…口交(性)

go down the line

8 . 强有力地支持

go fly a kite【非正式用语】

9 . 停止扰乱,常用于祈使语气

go for broke【非正式用语】

10 . 全力以赴:竭尽全力以达到某一目的

go for it【非正式用语】

11 . 大胆尝试:全力以赴且竭尽全力以达到某一目标或目的

go in for

12 . 对…感兴趣

go it alone

13 . 单干:没有别人帮助独立做或承担某一计划、旅行或责任

go off the deep end

14 . 十分粗心或忽视地行动

go one better

15 . 超过:比…高一级,超过

go out for

16 . 竞选成为:努力成为其中一员

go out of (one's) way

17 . 做超出所要求的范围内的事从而使自己不舒服

go out the window【非正式用语】

18 . 失常:变得不重要或不合作,不正常

go places【非正式用语】

19 . 有望成功

go steady

20 . 固定与某人约会

go the distance

21 . 执行一系列活动直至完成

go the vole

22 . 冒险下赌:冒险把自己全部所有赌于某物以获取成功

go to pieces

23 . 崩溃:失去自我控制能力

go to the mat【非正式用语】

24 . 不见输赢不罢手:战斗或辩论直至一方胜利为止

go to town【非正式用语】

25 . 高效率工作:工作或行动效率高或敏捷

go up in flames 或 go up in smoke

26 . 彻底摧毁、破坏

go without saying

27 . 不言自明,自不待言

on the go

28 . 忙碌的:忙个不停的,不断处于活动中

to go

29 . 可带出去的:可带出去,如餐馆里的食品或饮料

Old English gān, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gaanand German gehen; the form wentwas originally the past tense of wendlate 19th cent.: Japanese, literally small stone, also the name of the game

1.a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else);

it's my go

2.street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine

3.a usually brief attempt;

he took a crack at it

4.a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters

5.functioning correctly and ready for action;

all systems are go


1.change location; move, travel, or proceed;

How fast does your new car go?

2.follow a procedure or take a course;

We should go farther in this matter

3.move away from a place into another direction;

Go away before I start to cry

4.enter or assume a certain state or condition;

He became annoyed when he heard the bad news

5.be awarded; be allotted;

The first prize goes to Mary

6.have a particular form;

the story or argument runs as follows

7.stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point;

Service runs all the way to Cranbury

8.follow a certain course;

The inauguration went well

9.be abolished or discarded;

These ugly billboards have to go!

10. be or continue to be in a certain condition;

The children went hungry that day

11. make a certain noise or sound;

She went `Mmmmm'

12. perform as expected when applied;

The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in

13. to be spent or finished;

The money had gone after a few days

14. progress by being changed;

The speech has to go through several more drafts

15. continue to live; endure or last;

We went without water and food for 3 days

16. pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action;

How is it going?

17. pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life;

She died from cancer

18. be in the right place or situation;

Where do these books belong?

19. be ranked or compare;

This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go

20. begin or set in motion;

I start at eight in the morning

21. have a turn; make one's move in a game;

Can I go now?

22. be contained in;

How many times does 18 go into 54?

23. be sounded, played, or expressed;

How does this song go again?

24. blend or harmonize;

This flavor will blend with those in your dish

25. lead, extend, or afford access;

This door goes to the basement

26. be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired;

This piece won't fit into the puzzle

27. go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way;

Who rifled through my desk drawers?

28. be spent;

All my money went for food and rent

29. give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number;

I plumped for the losing candidates

30. stop operating or functioning;

The engine finally went



2. 跑

3. 划

4. 围棋

5. 一场拳击比赛

6. 投手投球

7. 试图偷垒




1 . 去


2 . 走

...walk over:走过 They are walking over the bridge.go:行驶,走,去,加油gounder the bridge 在桥底下走过

3 . 一起去

you want to goget it with me ., 咱们一起去拿吧.

4 . 继续

56继续GO视频空间,视频制作,视频相册,相册分享,视频专辑。... 继续GO 发私信 26视频 0专辑 2粉丝个人信息性别:男地区:火星总播放:437,168 空间.

+Perfect go go go

1 . 炮灰向前冲

《炮灰向前冲》(Perfect go go go) 是米琪说这些官兵本来就是魔兽的变身,多不里斯那边一定发生了什么事情,由于顺路谁知道CS1.6的OKGOGOGO和魔兽8族或9族在哪下.

+go go

1 . 冲冲

go go go , we are the new power ., 冲冲冲 , 我们是新的力量.

2 . 要去要

You like dawn I are go go camping ., 是你而并非我要去要野营.

+going go

1 . 要去开

When are you going go under the knife ?, 你什麽时候要去开刀?

+go go go

1 . 走走走

left left right right go turn around go go go ., 左左右右转个圈走走走.

1.She is too fat to be a go-gogirl.


2.That's the way to go. You guys built the airport so quickly.



SQLServer将GO解释为应将当前的SQL批处理语句发送给SQLServer的信号 GO 不是 Transact-SQL 语句;而是可为 osql 和 isql 实用工具及 SQL Server 查询分析器识别的命令。 SQL Server 实用工具将 GO 解释为应将当前的 Transact-SQL 批处理语句发送给 SQL Server 的信号。当前批处理语句是自上一 GO 命令后输入的所有语句,若是第一条 GO 命令,则是从特殊会话或脚本的开始处到这条 GO 命令之间的所有语句。SQL 查询分析器和 osql 及