


vt.& vi.出发,启程

      过去式:started   过去式:started   过去式:starting   过去式:starts  


      1 . There has been a busy start to polling in today's local elections.



      2 . Try these toning exercises before you start the day.



      3 . I saw through your little ruse from the start .



      4 . It's just not enough money to start life over.



      5 . The horse made a winning start for his new trainer.





      1.the beginning of anything;

      it was off to a good start

      2.the time at which something is supposed to begin;

      they got an early start

      3.a turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning);

      he got his start because one of the regular pitchers was in the hospital

      4.a sudden involuntary movement;

      he awoke with a start

      5.the act of starting something;

      he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations

      6.a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game

      7.a signal to begin (as in a race);

      the starting signal was a green light

      8.advantage gained by an early start as in a race;

      with an hour's start he will be hard to catch


      1.take the first step or steps in carrying out an action;

      We began working at dawn

      2.set in motion, cause to start;

      The U.S. started a war in the Middle East


      The family took off for Florida

      4.have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense;

      The DMZ begins right over the hill

      5.bring into being;

      He initiated a new program

      6.get off the ground;

      Who started this company?

      7.move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm;

      She startled when I walked into the room

      8.get going or set in motion;

      We simply could not start the engine

      9.begin or set in motion;

      I start at eight in the morning

      10. begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job;

      Take up a position

      11. play in the starting line-up

      12. have a beginning characterized in some specified way;

      The novel begins with a murder

      13. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object;

      begin a cigar