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vt.& vi.玩;演奏;演出;参加比赛
vi.玩耍,游戏;[游戏] 参加游戏;赌博;闹着玩
过去式played 过去式played 过去式playing 过去式plays 
派生词:playability playable 

1 . Malvolio becomes, in default of competition, the play's moral centre.



2 . Charlton are about to playan important away match.



3 . The Prime Minister has promised that Israel will playa constructive role.



4 . Just playit safe, cover your ass, keep your head down.



5 . If something's a sure-fire hit then Radio One will playit.




play along 【非正式用语】

1 . 与…合作:与…合作或假装与…合作

play at

2 . 参加:参加…;从事于…

play back

3 . 重放:重播放(例如刚录下的磁带)

play down

4 . 贬低:降低…的重要性;贬低

play off

5 . 参加加赛

play on 或 play upon

6 . 利用:为自己的利益利用(别人的态度或感情)

play out

7 . 耗尽:用完;耗尽

play up

8 . 强调:强调或宣传

make a play for

9 . (非正式)(试图)吸引,勾引;(试图)达到,得到

make (great) play of (或 with)

10 . (尤指为取得声望或优势)故意卖弄,大肆炒作

make play with

11 . 轻浮对待,戏弄

not playing with a full deckplay ballplay something by ear

12 . 不看乐谱弹奏

play it by ear

13 . (非正式)见机行事,走一步看一步

play by the rules

14 . 按部就班,按规矩办事

play one's cards close to one's chestplay one's cards right (或 well)play ducks and drakes withplay fair

15 . 正大光明;不徇私舞弊

play someone false

16 . 背叛;欺骗,蒙骗

play favourites

17 . (主北美)偏袒,偏爱

play the gameplay Godplay havoc withplay hellplay hookeyplay a (或 one's) hunch

18 . 凭直觉办事

play oneself in

19 . (英)适应比赛(或活动)环境

play into someone's hands

20 . (在行事时无意中)让别人占了便宜

play it cool

21 . (非正式)努力显得冷静;不露声色

play the market

22 . 股票投机

a play on words

23 . 双关语

play (或 play it) safe (或 for safety)

24 . 谨慎行事;不冒险

play to the galleryplay truantplay with oneself

25 . (非正式)手淫

play about (或 around)

26 . 玩弄,闹着玩,胡闹

play along

27 . 合着磁带或唱片演奏

play someone along

28 . (非正式)(长期)蒙骗某人,误导某人

play away

29 . (英)打客场,客场比赛

play something back

30 . (尤指为了监控录音质量)重放,播放

play something down

31 . 淡化,降低(重要性)

play someone off

32 . 使竞争,使相斗(以获利)

play on

33 . 利用(某人的弱点)

play someone out

34 . 使筋疲力尽,耗尽

play something out

35 . 演完(一出戏);演出(一场戏或角色)

play someone up

36 . (身体器官,疾病)给某人造成痛苦(或不适)

play something up

37 . 强调;炒作


in play

1 . 【体育运动】处于比赛状态中:处于符合规则的或适合于比赛的位置

out of play【体育运动】

2 . 没有进行:不处于合法或可行的比赛状态中

play ball【俚语】

3 . 合作

play both ends against the middle

4 . 使对立双方相争以从中得利:使对立的政党或利益集团相争以实现自己的目标

play fast and loose

5 . 轻率处理:以轻率、不负责任或欺骗的方式做

play for time

6 . 为争取时间而拖延:使用拖延战术;为争取时间而拖延

play games【俚语】

7 . 含糊不清,令人迷惑

play in Peoria【俚语】

8 . 可接受的:可被普通选民或消费者接受的

play into the hands of

9 . 干对某人有利的事:行动或表现以使(对手)得利

play (one's) cards【非正式用语】

10 . 办事高明:以自己的意愿来使用计谋或策略

play possum

11 . 装睡或装死

play the field

12 . 滥交情人:与不止一人约会

play the game【非正式用语】

13 . 遵守规则:按照被接受的习惯或标准行事

play up to

14 . 迎合…:求宠于…

play with fire

15 . 玩火,冒险:参加危险或冒险的任务

play with (oneself)【粗俗用语】【俚语】

16 . 手淫

Old English pleg(i)anto exercise, plegabrisk movement, related to Middle Dutch pleienleap for joy, dance

1.a dramatic work intended for performance by actors on a stage;

he wrote several plays but only one was produced on Broadway

2.a theatrical performance of a drama;

the play lasted two hours

3.a preset plan of action in team sports;

the coach drew up the plays for her team

4.a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill;

he made a great maneuver

5.a state in which action is feasible;

the ball was still in play

6.utilization or exercise;

the play of the imagination

7.an attempt to get something;

they made a futile play for power

8.play by children that is guided more by imagination than by fixed rules;

Freud believed in the utility of play to a small child

9.(in games or plays or other performances) the time during which play proceeds;

rain stopped play in the 4th inning

10. the removal of constraints;

he gave free rein to his impulses

11. a weak and tremulous light;

the shimmer of colors on iridescent feathers

12. verbal wit (often at another's expense but not to be taken seriously);

he became a figure of fun

13. movement or space for movement;

there was too much play in the steering wheel

14. gay or light-hearted recreational activity for diversion or amusement;

it was all done in play

15. the act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize);

his gambling cost him a fortune

16. the activity of doing something in an agreed succession;

it is my turn

17. the act using a sword (or other weapon) vigorously and skillfully


1.participate in games or sport;

We played hockey all afternoon

2.act or have an effect in a specified way or with a specific effect or outcome;

This factor played only a minor part in his decision

3.play on an instrument;

The band played all night long

4.play a role or part;

Gielgud played Hamlet

5.be at play; be engaged in playful activity; amuse oneself in a way characteristic of children;

The kids were playing outside all day

6.replay (as a melody);

Play it again, Sam

7.perform music on (a musical instrument);

He plays the flute

8.pretend to have certain qualities or state of mind;

He acted the idiot

9.move or seem to move quickly, lightly, or irregularly;

The spotlights played on the politicians

10. bet or wager (money);

He played $20 on the new horse

11. engage in recreational activities rather than work; occupy oneself in a diversion;

On weekends I play

12. pretend to be somebody in the framework of a game or playful activity;

Let's play like I am mommy

13. emit recorded sound;

The tape was playing for hours

14. perform on a certain location;

The prodigy played Carnegie Hall at the age of 16

15. put (a card or piece) into play during a game, or act strategically as if in a card game;

He is playing his cards close to his chest

16. engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously;

They played games on their opponents

17. behave in a certain way;

play safe

18. cause to emit recorded sounds;

They ran the tapes over and over again

19. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination;

She played nervously with her wedding ring

20. use to one's advantage;

She plays on her clients' emotions

21. consider not very seriously;

He is trifling with her

22. be received or accepted or interpreted in a specific way;

This speech didn't play well with the American public

23. behave carelessly or indifferently;

Play about with a young girl's affection

24. cause to move or operate freely within a bounded space;

The engine has a wheel that is playing in a rack

25. perform on a stage or theater;

She acts in this play

26. be performed;

What's playing in the local movie theater?

27. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence;

I cannot work a miracle

28. discharge or direct or be discharged or directed as if in a continuous stream;

play water from a hose

29. make bets;

Play the reaces

30. stake on the outcome of an issue;

I bet $100 on that new horse

31. shoot or hit in a particular manner;

She played a good backhand last night

32. use or move;

I had to play my queen

33. employ in a game or in a specific position;

They played him on first base

34. contend against an opponent in a sport, game, or battle;

Princeton plays Yale this weekend

35. exhaust by allowing to pull on the line;

play a hooked fish



2. 使上场








1 . 玩

platform n. 平台;站台,月台;讲台playv. 玩;做游戏;打球;演奏;扮演n. 玩耍;戏剧

2 . 点击

...什么都看不到,你能找到出路吗, 找到线索,逃出密室游戏加载完成后,点击,play,进入游戏,前面动画如果不想看,可以点击,skip,跳过3操作指南mouseleft触发事件.

3 . 打

讲台,(车站的)月台2395. playv. 玩;打(球);游戏;播放n. 玩耍,戏剧

4 . 话剧

...往比较开朗、合群、思维宽阔。例如:弹吉他(playthe guitar)、阅读(reading)、话剧(play)、慢跑(jogging)、长跑(long distance running)、集邮(collecti.

+play nice play fair

1 . 诚信为本

...不雅:不断改进(mit to quality)、意见意义熬头(gameplay first)、集思广意(every voice matters)、诚信为本(play nice play fair)、破足寰球(thellonk gloally)、王者风范(lead responsily)、学无止境(learn and gro)、拥抱真我(race your inner geek),.jpzx.。

+play and play

1 . 随插即用

新手应购买Windows属于Play and play(随插即用)类的网路配接卡,它可以被自动侦测及安装。

+playing playing your fool

1 . 你玩弄

i cant always be playing playing your fool ., 我不能永远被你玩弄.

+playing cards play

1 . 纸牌玩

this game copies the civil playing cards play " turn over the flower of gold " directly , hoping to bring for you in the odd moment just some little happiness .此游戏直接模仿民间纸牌玩法“翻金花”,希望能给你在闲暇时带来些许欢乐。

1.They pulled off that squeeze playlike the professionals they are.


2.When he started in politics he didn't mean to playdirty.


3.You want to playhardball. Here we go.


4.Things are getting a little lough.The President has decided to playhardball on this issue.

形势开始有点儿紧张起来。 总统已决定对这问题采取强硬政策。 playhell with (somebody或 something)

5.playhell with (somebody

或 something)

6.If you drive badly, it plays hell with the tyres of your car.


7.Your decision plays hell with all my friends.


8.You shouldn't playhell with me on this matter.


9.He was playing fast and loose with his girlfriend. So she left him.



专辑介绍基本信息 专辑名称 PLAY 演唱歌手 安室奈美惠 唱片公司 Avex Trax 发行日期 2007-6-27 专辑语种 日语专辑曲目曲目 01 HIDE& SEEK 02 Full Moon 03 CAN'T SLEEP,CAN'T EAT,I'M SICK 04 It's all about you 05 FUNKY TOWN 06 Step With It 07 Hello 08 Should I Love Him? 09 Top Secret 10 Violet Sauce (Spicy) 11 Baby Don't Cry 12 Pink KeyHIDE& SEEK 作词:Nao'y