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vt.& vi.使感觉到;使受到…的影响
过去式put 过去式put 过去式putting 过去式puts 

1 . A changing world has putpressures on the company. 日新月异的世界使这家公司感到了压力。来自柯林斯例句2. Barry had his nose putout of joint by Lucy's aloof sophistication.



2 . Her bed was crisply made, her clothes putaway.



3 . Puta pan of salted water on to boil.



4 . The teacher training college putup a plaque to the college's founder.




put about 【航海】

1 . 使…转向:改变方向或使…改变方向;从一个航向转到另一个航向或使从一个航向转到另一个航向

put across

2 . 使被理解:陈述以使被清楚地理解或迅速地接受

put away

3 . 抛弃;舍弃

put by

4 . 储存…备用:节约以供后来的使用

put down

5 . 记入名单

put forth

6 . 生长

put forward

7 . 提出:提议以供考虑

put in

8 . 提交:提出…的正式提议

put off

9 . 设法使…等待:劝说使…拖延下步行动

put on

10 . 穿衣服;穿上

put out

11 . 熄灭

put over

12 . 延期;耽误

put through

13 . 做成:达到成功的终点

put to 【航海】

14 . 驶向岸边

put together

15 . 建造;创造

put up

16 . 建立;建造

put upon

17 . 强加于;使…负担过重

not know where to put oneself

18 . (非正式)十分尴尬,局促不安

put something behind one

19 . 把(不快的感受)置于脑后

put the clocks back (或 forward)

20 . (根据官方有关调整时间的决定)把时钟拨慢(或拨快)

put someone's eyes out

21 . (尤指粗暴地)弄瞎…的眼睛

put one's hands together

22 . 鼓掌,拍手

put one's hands up

23 . 举手投降

put it (或 oneself) about

24 . (英,非正式)(在性行为方面)乱交

put it there

25 . (非正式)[表示同意或祝贺的用语]握手吧

put it to

26 . 对(某人)直言不讳

put one over on

27 . (非正式)欺骗,愚弄

put up or shut up

28 . (非正式)要么讲出正当理由要么闭嘴

put about

29 . (航海)(轮船)掉转航向

put someone about

30 . (主苏格兰,北英格兰)使烦恼;使焦虑;使麻烦

put something about

31 . 传播,散布(消息,谣言)

put something across (或 over)

32 . 使被接受,使被理解

put something aside

33 . 存(钱),储蓄

put someone away informal 非正式

34 . 把…关进监狱(或精神病院)

put something away

35 . 存(钱),储蓄

put something back

36 . 推迟(事件)

put something by

37 . 同 put something aside (见前面义项1)

put someone down

38 . (非正式)使窘迫;奚落

put something down

39 . 写下,记录,登记

put someone down as

40 . 认为…是,以为…是

put someone down for

41 . 报名参加(或做);登记订阅

put something down to

42 . 把…归因于

put someone forward

43 . 推荐

put something forward

44 . 提出(计划,建议,理论)

put in at/into

45 . (轮船)入(港)

put someone in

46 . 指派

put something in/into

47 . 正式提出,提交

put someone off

48 . 取消(或推迟)与…的约会

put something off

49 . 推迟;拖延

put someone on

50 . (成队比赛运动用语)使(选手)出赛

put something on

51 . 穿上(衣服);戴上(眼镜);佩带(珠宝)

put someone on to

52 . 使注意,使关注(有用、有名或有趣的人或物)

put out for

53 . (非正式,主北美)同意与…发生性关系

put someone out

54 . 给…带来麻烦(或不便),打扰

put something out

55 . 扑灭,熄灭

put something over

56 . 同前面 put something across

put someone through

57 . 为…接通电话

put something through

58 . 做成,完成

put someone to

59 . 给…带来(麻烦,困难)

put something to

60 . 向…提交(或提出)

put something together

61 . 装配;聚集

put someone under

62 . 同 put someone out(见前面义项3)

put someone up

63 . 为…提供膳宿

put something up

64 . 建造,搭建

put someone up to

65 . (非正式)怂恿(或鼓动)…做(坏事,蠢事)


put down roots

1 . 扎根于:在某地建立永久的住所

put it to (someone)【俚语】

2 . 担负过重的任务或工作

put (one) in mind

3 . 想起

put (one's) finger on

4 . 认出,识别

put (one's) foot down

5 . 采取坚定的立场

put (one's) foot in (one's) mouth

6 . 做不得体的评论

put paid to【多用于英国】

7 . 结束;使…休息

put (someone) through (someone's) paces

8 . 使…表现能力或技术;考验

put (someone) up to

9 . 作恶作剧:使(某人)做出滑稽的、恶作剧的或恶毒的行为

put the arm on 或 put the bite on 或 put the squeeze on 【俚语】

10 . 向别人要钱

put the finger on【俚语】

11 . 告发

put the make on【俚语】

12 . 取得性生活的进展

put the screws to 或 put the screws on 【俚语】

13 . 强制性压力:以一种极端的态度对别人施加压力

put the skids on【俚语】

14 . 停止

put to bed【非正式用语】

15 . 印刷前最后准备:为(例如报纸)的印刷而做最后的准备

put to it

16 . 造成极大的困难

put two and two together

17 . 得出结论:从现存的证据或迹象中得出合适的结论

put up or shut up【俚语】

18 . 要就辩护要就闭嘴:不得不毫无怨言地忍受(不愉快的事情)或采取必要的行动来转移不愉快事件的根源

put up with

19 . 忍受:毫无怨言地忍受

Old English (recorded only in the verbal noun putung), of unknown origin; compare with dialect poteto push, thrust (an early sense of the verb put)

1.the option to sell a given stock (or stock index or commodity future) at a given price before a given date


1.put into a certain place or abstract location;

Put your things here

2.cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation;

That song put me in awful good humor

3.formulate in a particular style or language;

I wouldn't put it that way

4.attribute or give;

She put too much emphasis on her the last statement

5.make an investment;

Put money into bonds


We put the time of arrival at 8 P.M.

7.cause (someone) to undergo something;

He put her to the torture


put these words to music

9.arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events, etc.;

arrange my schedule




1 . 把

are we the ones who putitthere ., 是我们把它立在那的吗.

2 . 放

...(搬运), flip(弹),have(拿着),make(制作),pass(传递),pinch(捻), put(摆放),push(推),point(指点),scratch(搔),snap(响指),take(接过)。

3 . 将

We must putour plans into practice ., 我们必须将计划付诸实行.

4 . 使

the witch putthe princess under a spell , and she fell asleep for ten years ., 这女巫使公主中了巫术 , 沉睡了十年.

+put on

1 . 增加

put off 延期,推迟,使下车put on 穿;上演;增加;播放;假装put on airs 装腔作势

+puts * put experimental

1 . 将实验

the team puts * put experimental roofs on top of metal insulated insulated boxes , to recreate green roof conditions .项目组将实验用屋顶装到用金属隔离后的盒子的顶部,以模拟绿色屋顶的条件。

+put-put troubles

1 . 卷入麻烦

唐老鸭的幸福生活(10DVD) ... 唐老鸭先生出局 MR. DUCK STEPS OUT 卷入麻烦PUT-PUT TROUBLES 唐老鸭的假期 VACATION DONALD'S.

+put in putting paper

1 . 可以将纸

agriculture Agricultural specialists at the University of California suggest put in putting paper or cloth around the trunk and central branches of young set res citrus trees .加州大学的农业专家建议可以将纸或衣物包在柑橘类的植物的树干或主要的树枝上。

2 . 将纸

agriculture Agricultural specialists at the University of California suggest put in putting paper or cloth around the trunk and central branches of young set res citrus trees .加州大学的农业专家建议可以将纸或衣物包在柑橘类的植物的树干或主要的树枝上。

1.Frank's really putting on the dog for the big party Friday night.


2.Why can' t Mayor Barry putthe wood to school administrators and demand more caring than this?


3.She was pretty snooty till we all putthe chill on her.


4.I sent him a real snorter, because he really quite putthe chill on me.


5.Moyer had the chill puton Stein.


6.You putit in the hopper. Let's get this done!
