pull out


      拔出, 离开, (使)渡过难关, (使)恢复健康
pull out的短语、例句:
      pull out (of a motor vehicle, boat, etc) move out or sideways (指机动车辆、 船只等)驶出, 划出或打斜
      The boat pulled out into the middle of the river. 那只船划出到了河中央.
      A car suddenly pulled out in front of me. 一辆汽车突然横冲到我面前. pull sth out remove (sth) by pulling; detach 拉掉, 拔掉(某物); 使分离
      He pulled out a gun. 他掏出一枝枪. pull out (of sth) (of a train) leave (a station) (指火车)驶离(车站)
      I arrived as the last train was pulling out. 我到达时, 末班列车刚刚开出. pull (sb/sth) out (of sth) (cause sb/sth to) withdraw from sth (使某人[某事物])从某事物中退出
      They are pulling their troops out of the battle zone. 他们正把部队调离战区.
      The project became so expensive that we had to pull out. 这个计画耗资太大, 我们只好退出.