

      n. 存储器, 储藏, 保管, 库存, 仓库
      【计】 存放处; 存储
      【化】 贮运器; 贮运容器; 存器
      【医】 贮藏, 贮积; 贮藏所
      【经】 存储, 仓库, 货栈
      storage n[U] 1 (a) storing of goods, etc (货物等的)贮存, 贮藏
      [attrib 作定语] storage space 贮存场地
      a loft with large storage capacity 能储放大量物品的阁楼. (b) space used or available for this 贮存场地; 贮藏所; 仓库
      fish kept in cold (ie refrigerated) storage 冷藏鱼
      put furniture in storage 把家具存放起来
      [attrib 作定语] storage tanks, eg for oil 储存容器(如储油罐). 2 cost of storing things 储存物品的费用; 保管费
      have to pay storage 须缴纳保管费.