

      a. 丑陋的, 邪恶的, 险恶的, 不祥的
      n. 丑陋的人(或物)
      【法】 丑陋的, 邪恶的, 险恶的
      cut up ugly
      ugly adj (-ier, -iest) 1 unpleasant to look at or to hear 难看的; 难听的; 丑陋的
      an ugly face, child,building 难看的脸、 小孩、 建筑物
      an ugly wound, gash,scar, etc 丑陋的伤口、 刀伤、 伤痕等
      the ugly screeching of parrots 鹦鹉那难听的尖叫声. 2 hostile or menacing; ominous 有敌意的; 阴险的; 不祥的
      ugly threats, rumours, insinuations, etc 居心叵测的威胁、 谣言、 旁敲侧击等 *an ugly laugh, look, wink, etc 奸险的笑声、 表情、 眨眼等
      The situation in the streets was turning/growing ugly. 街上的情形越发不妙了.
      The crowd was in an ugly mood. 群众已人心汹汹.
      An ugly storm is brewing. 一场可怕的风暴即将来临. 3 (idm 习语) miserable/ugly as sin => sin. an ,ugly `customer (infml 口) person who is difficult, dangerous or unpleasant to deal with 难对付的人; 危险的人; 讨厌的人. an ,ugly `duckling person who at first seems unpromising but who later becomes much admired, very able, etc 丑小鸭(初时似无甚出息而後出人头地的人).