

      n. 小软团, 小软块, 一卷, 填料, 大量
      vt. 揉成一团, 填塞
      【经】 一叠钞票, 金钱
      shoot one's wad
      wad n 1 lump or bundle of soft material used for keeping things apart or in place, or to block a hole, etc 块状软物, 填料(作隔离、 固定或填塞等用的)
      The noise was so loud that she put wads of cotton wool in her ears. 噪声很大, 她用棉花团把耳朵堵上了. 2 quantity of documents or banknotes folded, rolled or held together(文件或钞票的)卷, 沓, 捆
      He pulled a wad of 10 notes out of his pocket. 他从衣袋里掏出一沓面额10英镑的钱. 3 (Brit sl 俚) bun or sandwich 圆面包; 三明治
      a cup of tea and a wad 一杯茶和一个圆面包. wad, v (-dd-) [Tn] 1 (a) fix (sth) in place with a wad, esp to protect it (用软物)固定(某物)(尤指为起保护作用的). (b) stuff (sth) with a wad (用软物)填塞(某物). 2 line (a garment, etc) with soft material (esp cotton or wool) 用软物(尤指棉或毛)絮(衣服等)
      a wadded dressing-gown, jacket, quilt 棉的晨袍、 棉上衣、 棉被.