

      n. 薄酥饼, 圣饼, 晶片, 圆片, 干胶片
      vt. 用干胶片封
      【计】 圆片
      【医】 糯米纸囊剂
      as thin as a wafer
      wafer n 1 very thin crisp sweet biscuit 威佛饼乾(薄而脆的甜饼乾)
      an ice-cream wafer, ie for eating with ice-cream 冰激凌威佛饼乾(与冰激凌同吃的). 2 small round piece of unleavened bread used in Holy Communion 圣饼(用作圣餐的小圆饼). 3 small round piece of red paper stuck on the back of a document instead of a seal, to show that it is official 封缄纸(红色圆纸片, 贴在文件背面代替封印).