

      vt. 猛拉
      vi. 猛拉
      Yank n (infml 口) = Yankee. yank v [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (infml 口) pull (sth) with a sudden sharp tug (often in a specifieddirection) 猛拉(某物)(常为向某方向)
      She yanked (on) the rope and it broke. 她猛力一拉, 绳子就断了.
      yank the bedclothes off one´s bed 把床单从床上拉下来
      yank out a tooth 拔出一颗牙齿. yank, n sudden sharp tug 突然的猛拉
      The old chain only needed a couple of yanks before it snapped. 这条旧链只拉了两下就断了.