
放烟花 2020年12月08日


      Today, it's the eighth day of the lunar new year. It's just getting dark. We ran happily to the balcony to set off fireworks. What I put is 18 rings, just a little Bang Bang Bang There were eighteen noises and all the sparks in the sky were colorful, and they were soon finished. However, I am reluctant to leave, because the night view of the whole city can be seen here.


      Just at this time, the armed police detachment opposite me also put up a huge fireworks gun. The sparks made a loud noise and immediately rose into the night sky. The sparks were colorful and beautiful! Even the stars and the moon in the sky quietly come out of the clouds to enjoy the sparks in the world. The sparks are rising from the ground to the sky. It's really more beautiful and lively than heaven. No wonder fairies rush to the earth to watch the beautiful scenery. Through reform and opening up, human happiness surpasses heaven.


      Ah! Fuzhou's night sky is so beautiful, especially during the Spring Festival, the streets are full of colorful lights, all night long. In addition, the colorful sparks cut through the night sky, making Fuzhou more beautiful and colorful.