潮流英语口语1000句 Unit33:80后与丁克(mp3+lrc)

恒星英语学习网 2016年03月22日

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      01. The meaning of family changes in response to a wide variety of social and cultural conditions.


      02. An extended family is a family group that consists of parents, children, and other close relatives.


      03. A nuclear family, in which father acted as breadwinner and mother as homemaker, consists of a conjugal coup!e and their child only.


      04. The family form created in a remarriage that involves one or more children from the previous marriage of either spouse is called a blended family.


      05. Pressure and competition at work result in many couple's choice of DINK.


      06. The cost of freedom for DINK families is another set of pressures and worries.


      07.Tommy's wife is expecting a baby.


      08. Did they tell you when your due date is?


      09. She had to have a caesarean because it was a difficult birth.


      10. The competition in our company is intense. I won't let someone take my place because of child.


      11. DINK family means a "Double Income No Kids" family.


      12. Many people think that the DINK idea is bad for the stability of marriage.


      13. The couples who choose to be childless contend with tremendous pressures from families and society.


      14. Nowadays, people focus more on their own life quality. They don't want kids to be a drag to influencing their freedom to enjoy life.


      15. Traditional families can't accept a DINK family considering responsibility, obligation and things like that.


      16. It is said that the passion between men and women cannot last for long, but a child can bind a couple together, and the relationship can be saved by the effort of raising a child.


      17. Research has found that giving birth can help women's feminity and reduce the risk of diseases, such as breast cancer.


      18. People who choose DINK cherish their relationship with their spouses more than parenthood.


      19. A civilized and mature society should tolerate and understand diversification.


      20. Whether to choose a DINK family or not, you have to follow your own heart rather than make it to please your parents or rise to social pressure.

