
恒星英语学习网 2017年10月27日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

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      I feel like I owe you some sort of an explanation for my behavior.


      I'd like to explain my reasons for saying so .


      I have plenty of reasons.


      Let me explain what I mean.


      I think you have a lot of explaining to do .


      There's got to be an explanation for this .


      Let me explain my reasoning.


      I think the reason he's been so tired recently is because he's been overworked.


      Your headaches are probably due to the change in the weathe


      It's the only possible explanation.


      Maybe you could clear something up for me.


      Explain to me your train of thought .


      This situation is so strange.It's beyond explanation


      You're not going to use that tired explanation,are you ?


      I can explain myself.


      Why are you doing this ?


      I'll explain the way things are.


      Let me tell you how it is .


      A simple explanation would suffice .


      Can you offer an explanation for your tardiness?


      Scientific explanations offer an alternative to superstition.


      I'd like to clarify my position.


      I don't want to have to go into lengthy explanations .


      I will state my reasons clearly .


      There must be some rational explanation for his strange behavior.

