英语时尚口语情景对话Unit 4:窈窕塑身4-5 mp3

恒星英语学习网 2017年02月15日

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      第一部份 新鲜生活

      Unit4 On a Diet 窈窕塑身

      英语时尚口语情景对话Unit 4:窈窕塑身1-4-5 mp3

      Dialouge 5

      A:My stomach's growling again !

      B:You'II never lose weight if you listen to your stomach.

      A:Just a little steak, uh...snack? A bowl of clam chowder?

      B:You want to be beautiful,don't you? Think about the butter and flour in...

      A:You're right. But if I get too thin, my mom will make me go to the hospital again.

      B:Most models only eat once a day. If they can do it, so can we.

      A:You know. Soup, well, society makes us like this.

      B:I think you're hallucinating! What are you talking about?

      A:Well, thin is always "in" with the media.

      B:And your point is?

      A:lf you aren't thin, you're nobody.

      B:I agree with you, but I think people are pretty bad, too.

      A:You lost me.

      B:People are always gossiping about one another.

      A:Yeah,but that's human nature.

      B:We can be so critical of one another.

      A:Let's change the stomach,I mean,the subject.How about some food?
