英语时尚口语情景对话Unit 3:霓裳炫影3-3 mp3

恒星英语学习网 2017年02月15日

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      第一部份 新鲜生活

      Unit3 Fashionable Clothing 霓裳炫影

      英语时尚口语情景对话Unit 3:霓裳炫影1-3-3 mp3

      Dialouge 3

      A:Hey, that's a really nice outfit you have on.

      B:Thank you. I w'asn't sure if it looked okay or not.

      A:Oh, you look stunning.  Your dress really goes well with your shoes.

      B:I'm glad that you think so.  I thought it mig}at be a bit too revealing.

      A:No, not at all. It looks really classy on you. Where did you pick that up?

      B:I got it on sale down at the department store.

      A:When did you go there?

      B:I was just there a couple of days ago. You know, you should go down there too. They have a lot of stylish clothes on sale.

      A:I might just do that. What style of clothes do they have?

      B:Anything you want.  They have both casual and formal styles.

      A:I was hoping to get a few new ties for my collection.

      B:That's a good idea.
