英语时尚口语情景对话Unit 3:霓裳炫影3-2 mp3

恒星英语学习网 2017年02月16日

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      第一部份 新鲜生活

      Unit3 Fashionable Clothing 霓裳炫影

      英语时尚口语情景对话Unit 3:霓裳炫影1-3-2 mp3

      Dialouge 2

      A:What a nice dress,Jean.You look marvelous !

      B:You ,too. Where did you get your new hat?

      A:From the Crown's. Oh, what lovely earrings you have!Are Lhey diamond?

      B:Yes.It's a birthday present from my husband !

      A:Well,you are lucky to have such a considerate husband.Mine hasn't brought me a single rose since we married.

      B:He'II come out with surprises. You just wait and see.Look at that woman,with the white chiffon !

      A:She's chic,isn't she?

      B:Yes.I like the dress.It must be the latest fashion.Look,the hem has lowered,and the waist narrowed.

      A:lt makes me feel rather shabby. That woman has a good taste in dressing,l would say.

      B:Yes.She dressed with an individual flair.I rather envy her.

      A:Most women follow fashion like sheep.They don't know any better than imitate.

      B:I quite agree with you.See the woman there? I dare say she hasn't got any eyes. How could she match the mauve gown with the green handbag? And all that jewelry !

      A:The gown is quite expensive,believe me.

      B:So what? It only makes her look cheap and vulgar.

      A:You know those upstarts. They're all show-offs!I think I'd better have a diet;otherwise I'd look like a ballon soon.

      B:You're quite slim. In fact,if you were one of those starlets, the movie company would say you have a fabulous figure.

      A:Thanks. I'm flattered.

      B:Oh, my shoes pinch me. Let's find a seat and sit a while.
