
恒星英语学习网 2017年10月11日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

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31. Don’t underestimate me.

      W: Can you finish typing this file in one day?

      M: Don’t underestimate me.

      W: Fine. Send it to my office tomorrow morning.

      M: I can eat five steam bread for a meal. (这儿的steam bread不可数,听力材料里直接加的five,不知道算不算错。但是中国的包子就是一个是一个的,反正觉得用piece不合适)

      W: You are lying.

      M: Don’t underestimate me.

      32. Bon voyage.

      W: You will return to Shanghai tomorrow, won’t you?

      M: Yes.

      W: Bon voyage.

      M: I will go to America to study in a few days.

      W: Really? Bon voyage.

      M: Thank you.

      33. It’ll drive me crazy.

      W: There is too much homework today.

      M: Yes. It’s impossible to finish.

      W: It’ll drive me crazy.

      M: It’ll drive me crazy.

      W: What’s going on?

      M: This file is too difficult to translate.

      34. Hopeless.

      W: Wang Lei failed the math exam again.

      M: Hopeless.

      W: Yes, you really get worried for him.

      M: I am really hopeless.

      W: What’s wrong?

      M: I made the same mistake again. (OK. 朗读者的口误)

      35. He is too picky.

      W: Why are you unhappy?

      M: The general editor said I have mistakes in using punctuation.

      W: He is too picky.

      M: What do you think of Zhang Tao?

      W: He is too picky.

      M: It’s hard to tell.

      36. Please excuse me.

      W: Please excuse me.

      M: Are you busy?

      W: It’s too late. I must go home.

      M: Don’t forget we are going to the KTV to sing songs this evening.

      W: Sorry. Please excuse me.

      M: It’s a pity.

      37. Don’t set yourself against me.

      W: I want to smoke. Is it OK?

      M: No. Go outside.

      W: Don’t set yourself against me.

      M: Don’t always set yourself against me, OK?

      W: But I’m only trying to help you.

      M: There is no need.

      38. Don’t be long winded.

      W: Don’t be long winded.

      M: I just want to remind you.

      W: But you make me sick.

      M: Don’t read when you eat.

      W: Don’t be long winded.

      M: That’s good for you.

      39. (但是朗读者读的是:37) Don’t make jokes about me.

      W: You wrote this article really well.

      M: Don’t make jokes about me.

      W: This is my real word from my heart.

      M: I didn’t do well in today’s exam.

      W: But every time you are still Number 1.

      M: Don’t make jokes about me.

      40. I don’t know when I will see you again.

      W: I would return to my country tomorrow.

      M: So I don’t know when I will see you next (朗读者读的this) time.

      W: I will come to see you when I have time.

      M: When are you going to New York to work?

      W: I should go this weekend.

      M: So we don’t know when we’ll see each other again.
