
恒星英语学习网 2017年02月27日

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      F:I am going on my Iirst date tonight.Can you give me some suggestions about what to wear?

      M: Well,I think you look very pretty in your polka dot purple dress with your hair piled at the rear. That makes you very graceful and mysterious.

      F:Yeah,that's a good idea. Let me try it.

      M:Remember to match it with your glittering star-shaped necklace. Very attractive on formal occasions.

      F:Do I look more mature in the highheel shoes?

      M:Sure.  More elegant and taller.

      F:I shall wear light make-up instead of heavy. The face powder will lighten my skin color.

      M:If I were your date,I would be so charmed by you.

      F:Thank you.


      polka dot带圆点的
      They also looked at whether clothing items had childlike characteristics e.g. polkadot patterns and ribbons. 此外,他们也会关注此类衣服是否具有童装的特点,比如有没有圆点花纹图案和丝带。

      He was piling clothes into the suitcase.他正把衣服叠放到手提箱中去。

      His movements were so graceful they seemed effortless.他的动作如此优雅,看似非常从容自如。

      A couple of messages had mysteriously disappeared.几条信息已经神秘地消失了。

      The bay glittered in the sunshine.海湾在阳光下闪闪发光。

      Remember to match it with your glistening star-shaped necklace.记得配上你那条闪闪发光的星形项链。

      high-heel shoes高跟鞋
      High- heeled shoes will reduce the heel contact with the ground so long strained Achilles tendon. 穿高跟鞋会减少足跟部与地面接触,使跟腱长时间处于紧张状态。

      Patricia looked beautiful and elegant as always.帕特丽夏看上去跟往常一样美丽优雅。

      "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," the 1937 Disney classic, has lost none of its original charm.迪斯尼1937年的经典之作《白雪公主和七个小矮人》从未丧失其最初的魅力。
