英语口语张口说Unit4:服装专家? mp3

恒星英语学习网 2017年02月27日

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      F:Morning, Peter.  Nice suit ! A new one?

      M:Oh, yes. My wife bought it for me yesterday. Hmm, you look nice in that yellow dress.  Yellow suits you really well.

      F:Maybe. Several people have suggested that I get more yellow clothes. They say the color suits me because I have a fair complexion.

      M:That's  right.  You  know,pink,green and black could also be good for you.Actually,I think that all colors are okay for a person with your complexion.
      It's just that different colors can give people different impressions. For example,black could make you look mature.while pink could make you look young and energetic.

      F:Thank you for your compliments. It sounds like you're a clothing expert.

      M: Well,compared with my wife,I'm just a beginner.


      She was wearing a black dress.她穿着一套黑色连衣裙。

      fair complexion肤色白哲
      She has a fair complexion.她拥有白皙的皮肤。

      ...white flowers edged in pink.…带粉边的白花。

      When the trees matured they were cut.当这些树长成时,它们就会被砍掉。

      Ibrahim is 59, strong looking, enormously energetic and accomplished.伊卜拉希姆59岁,健壮的样子,精力极其充沛且富有才华。

      You can do no harm by paying a woman compliments.对女人讲恭维话不会有什么害处。
