购物英语对话 第6讲:超市

恒星英语学习网 2009年03月10日

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      STEVE: We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer?
      DEREK: They don't have beer in this supermarket. We have to go to the liquor store.
      STEVE: Huh? They don't have beer. How can that be?
      DEREK: It's a state law.
      This state doesn't allow supermarkets to sell beer. Only in liquor stores.
      STEVE: That's too strict. It's silly.
      DEREK: I know. I agree with you.
      DEREK: Excuse me. Do you sell organic vegetables here?
      EMPLOYEE: Yes, we do. They're right in front of you.
      The organic vegetables are marked with the blue label. Here. Do you see?
      DEREK: Sure. Thank you.
      You should have a sign. That way people could identify which are organic and which aren't.
      EMPLOYEE: They're labeled on the packet, sir.
      DEREK: One more question.
      EMPLOYEE: Yes?
      DEREK: We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in?
      EMPLOYEE: That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup.
      DEREK: Thank you.
      Do you want paper or plastic bags?
      STEVE: Plastic bags.
      DEREK: And do you want to drive up?
      STEVE: What do you mean?
      DEREK: We can have someone put the bags in our trunk for us.
      We just drive up to that door over there.
      STEVE: Wow! That's convenient. But I think we can take the groceries by ourselves.
      DEREK: Yes, our car is not parked far away.
      I'll tell the cashier we don't want to drive up. It should be about ninety dollars all together.
      STEVE: Here is one-hundred. I will go look at the magazine rack, okay?
