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Source:  Onion  2008-06-19   恒星英语学习论坛 Favorite



I remembered that when I was in college, I was short of money. So every time when I went shopping, I would try to buy some cheap ones! For example, I would buy a pair of sneaker, which cost just 40 Yuan. And after a month, I found I was bullied and that pair of sneaker was no use any more!

1) It is really a pair of junk shoes! 这双鞋真次!

junk:垃圾 junk food!垃圾食物!

千万不要买junk car. That's dangerous! (音乐)

上一篇:简单学习英语口语(32):she is a big shot 她是个大人物!
下一篇:简单学习英语口语(34):That's really a good buy! 真是便宜货!