旅游常用英语口语Lesson 6:Making Recommendations(2)

恒星英语学习网 2007年08月23日

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      第六课: 提供建议
      Lesson 6: Making Recommendations

      Leo: Good evening, Ms White, Mr Webber.
      Jack: Good evening, Leo.
      Mona: We’re going out for dinner now. Could you recommend a good
      restaurant? One that’s nearby?
      Leo: The Golden Lotus is very close. It’s famous for its
      seafood. But, if you like to listen to music while you’re eating, I
      recommend the Pearl Garden Cabaret. It’s also within walking
      Mona: Oh no, we’d like a quiet restaurant.
      Leo: Then I suggest the Golden Lotus. It’s just two doors down, on
      the left.
      Mona: Thank you.
      Jack: Maybe we could go to the cabaret tomorrow night.
      Mona: Good evening. Do you speak English?
      Jean: Yes, I do. Do you have a reservation?
      Mona: No, we don’t.
      Jean: This way please.
      Jean: Would you like to see a menu?
      Mona: Yes, we would, thank you.
      Jean: Can I get you anything to drink while you decide?

      Jack: I’ll have a light beer, thank you.
      Jean: Local or imported?
      Jack: Do you have Australian?
      Jean: Yes, we do.
      Jack: I’ll have Australian thanks.
      Mona: Just a bottle of water for me, thank you.
      Jean: Certainly.
      琴: 先生,这是您点的啤酒。太太,这是您的水。二位可以
      Jean: Your beer, sir.
      And water for you, madam. Now, are you ready to order?
      杰克: 每样菜看起来都不错,你可以推荐些什麽吗?
      Jack: It all sounds so good. What do you recommend?
      琴: 我们店里的脆皮鱼很受欢迎,它是伴着姜汁吃的。
      Jean: The Crispy Fish is very popular. It comes with a ginger sauce.
      杰克: 那就来个脆皮鱼吧。
      Jack: I’ll have Crispy Fish then.
      蒙纳: 蒜味鸡很辣吗?
      Mona: Is the Garlic Chicken very hot?
      琴: 是的,很辣。所有用红色标出的菜肴都很辣。
      Jean: Yes, it is. All the dishes in red are quite hot.
      蒙纳: 是这样呀。那我可以点一个不放辣椒的蒜味鸡吗?
      Mona: Oh. Could I have the Garlic Chicken without the chillies?
      琴: 没有问题。
      Jean: Yes of course.
      琴: 我们店里的脆皮鱼很受欢迎。
      Jean: The Crispy Fish is very popular.

      利奥: 那里的海鲜非常有名。
      Leo: It’s famous for its seafood.
      Very popular.
      It’s very popular.
      It’s famous for its seafood.
      Jean: Your beer, sir.
      Jean: And water for you, madam.
      Jean: Now, are you ready to order?
      Jack: It all sounds so good. What do you recommend?
      Jean: The Crispy Fish is very popular.
      Jean: It comes with a ginger sauce.
      Jack: I’ll have Crispy Fish then.
      Mona: Is the Garlic Chicken very hot?
      Jean: Yes, it is.
      Jean: All the dishes in red are quite hot.
      Mona: Oh. Could I have the Garlic Chicken without the chillies?
      Jean: Yes, of course.
      第六课: 提供建议
      Lesson 6: Making Recommendations
      琴: 请问您来点开胃菜吗?
      Jean: Would you like any appetisers?
      蒙纳: 不用了,谢谢。不过我要点一份清蒸蔬菜。
      Mona: No, thank you. But we’d like a plate of steamed vegetables with
      our meal.

      琴: 没问题。请问您是要用煮米饭来配这道菜,还是用椰浆
      Jean: Fine. And would you like boiled or coconut rice with that?
      蒙纳: 煮米饭。
      Mona: Boiled please.
      杰克: 请给我椰浆米饭。
      Jack: I’ll have coconut rice please.
      琴: 好的。请问二位还点些什麽其它的吗?
      Jean: Fine. Will there be anything else?
      蒙纳: 不用了,谢谢。
      Mona: No thank you.
      现在给您一个发音小提示。如果您对一个以S 音结尾的单词的发音
      读。例如:thanks a lot. 请跟我说lot,再跟我说sa ,现在我
      们把这两个音连在一起读,sa lot , sa lot , sa lot. 现在我
      们一起说整个的句子,thanks a lot。Thanks a lot 。也许你自
      Yes, I will.
      “Si “
      “Si “
      “Si” will””
      “Si” will”
      Yes I will.
      Yes I will.
      There’s no beer.
      “Sno beer”
      “Sno beer”
      There’s no beer.
      There’s no beer.

      the dishes in red.
      “zin red”
      “zin red”
      the dishes in red.
      the dishes in red.
      It’s also nearby.
      “Sorlso” nearby”
      “Sorlso” nearby”
      It’s also nearby.
      It’s also nearby.
