英语口语练习小对话 第908期:到头来

恒星英语学习网 2015年09月16日

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      第一, 迷你对话

      A: Jim and you are bosom friends, aren’t you?


      B: I wouldn’t say so.


      A: What do you mean?


      B: Well, I thought he was, but he ends up to be a con man.


      第二, 地道表达

      end up

      1. 解词释义

      End up的意思为“最终,结果,到头来”。

      2. 拓展范例

      e.g. If you don't know what you want, you might end up getting something you don't want.(end up后面接动名词短语)


      e.g. Every time they went dancing they ended up in a bad mood.(end up 后面接介词短语)


      e.g. She could have ended up a millionairess.(end up后面接名词)


      e.g. There are those, you know, who, by circumstance, end up homeless.(end up后面接名词)


      第三, 词海拾贝

      bosom friend:知己,密友,心腹之交

      e.g. I came across a bosom friend.


      e.g. Tom's bosom friend sat next him.


      con man:骗子

      e.g. She laid about him, calling him a liar and a con man.


      e.g. This woman is a con man because she has no medical qualifications at all.

