旅游常用英语口语Lesson 22:Dealing with a situation 如何处理突发状况(2)

恒星英语学习网 2007年08月23日

      Source:  我要投稿   恒星英语学习论坛   Favorite  

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      Page 6 of 8
      杰斯丁: 晚安,怀特女士。
      Justine: Good night, Ms White!
      蒙纳: 要么我们现在一起到客厅去坐一坐,平静一下好吗?
      Mona: Maybe, we should all go to the lounge and calm down.
      利奥: 非常感谢您的盛情邀请,怀特女士。不过我现在必须要
      Leo: Thank you for your kind invitation, Ms White… but I must go
      home now.
      Thank you for your kind invitation.
      Thank you for your kind invitation.
      Thank you for your kind offer.
      Thank you for your kind offer.
      Jack: Justine, I’m sorry if I caused any trouble. Can I just say that you
      have a very good worker in Leo. He’s been more than helpful.
      Hasn’t he, Mona?
      Mona: Oh, I’m sorry I blamed you, Leo, but I was very upset. Maybe,
      we should all go to the lounge and calm down.
      Leo: Thank you for your kind invitation, Ms White… but I must go
      home now.
      Jack: And I must go to the Pearl Garden Cabaret. I’ll see you in the
      morning, Mona!
      Mona: Oh!
      Justine: Good night, Ms White!
      Leo: Excuse me, Justine? Ms White, from Room 311, would like to
      speak to you.
      Page 7 of 8
      Justine: Certainly. How can I help you, Ms White?
      Mona: My father is missing. Your receptionist lost him. We were at the
      festival and I’m sure he’s dead!
      Justine: I can see this is very serious. May I suggest you come to my
      Mona: I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to find my father. He’s been
      missing for hours!
      Justine: It must be very upsetting for you, Ms White. Let me see if I
      understand you clearly. You were at the festival with your
      Mona: Yes, and Leo.
      Justine: Leo?
      Leo: I was their tour guide.
      Justine: I see. So what you are saying is that you were separated from
      your father?
      Mona: Yes.
      Justine: Had you arranged a meeting place, Leo?
      Leo: Yes I had. But that’s where we were standing when we lost him.
      Justine: Is your father elderly, Ms White? Is he frail?
      Leo: Not at all!
      Mona: Well, he is over fifty.
      Justine: And how long has he been missing?
      Mona: Nearly an hour!
      Justine: I see. And you’ve checked your father’s room?
      Mona: Yes.
      Justine: Ms White, is it possible that your father is making his
      own way back?
      Mona: I don’t know. I would like you to call the police.
      Jack: That won’t be necessary.
      Mona: Dad, where have you been?
      Jack: I went down to the beach. I said goodbye, but you were too
      busy talking to Leo.
      Justine: Ms White, this is your father?
      Leo: Yes. Jack Webber, this is Justine, the manager.
      Jack: Justine, I’m sorry if I caused any trouble. Can I just say that you
      have a very good worker in Leo. He’s been more than helpful.
      Hasn’t he, Mona?
      Mona: I’m sorry I blamed you, Leo, but I was very upset. Maybe, we
      should all go to the lounge and calm down.
      Leo: Thank you for your kind invitation, Ms White, but I must go home
      Jack: And I must go to the Pearl Garden Cabaret. I’ll see you in the
      morning, Mona!
      Mona: Oh!
      Justine: Good night, Ms White!
      Page 8 of 8
      The guest
      The guest
      From Room 22
      Would like
      Would like
      Would like to speak with you
      The guest
      The guest
      From Room 22
      Would like
      Would like
      Would like to speak with you 
