



      life is very short, i would like to be wrong with you!


      those who are desperate to love, in the end, have become the love of others.


      don't promise easily. promise is like farting. it was shocking at that time, but it was powerless later.


      the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when i stand in front of you, you don't know that i love you.


      youth is the same as begonia.


      wine is a good thing. it can make people forget their worries. but what about when they wake up?


      if the story is not tortuous, how can it teach people to grow up? unfortunately, the story is too long, only the wind listen to me.


      there will always be people who hurt you in life, so you still need to continue trusting others, just be careful.


      are you all right without my interruption?


      if i treat you with your attitude towards me, i'm sure you'll have left long ago.


      i humbled myself, hiding in my heart and thinking of you.


      one doesn't say, one doesn't ask, that's why we are getting further away.


      if it's a mistake at the beginning, then why, it's so beautiful.


      i don't know how you will affect my life, but i know that at this moment, no one can make me care more than you.


      the heart was broken, as if there were no tears.


      later, i didn't disturb you and you didn't think of me.


      we can never reach each other, so we all live in our own extreme.


      wait and don't wait, i've waited, in and don't care, i already care, the rest, depend on fate.


      the city is crowded, but without you, it seems empty.


      autumn wind rises, can not see through day and night, iraqis haggard drunk worry.


      if i meet you is a tragedy, i think i am destined to act alone in my life.


      there will always be times when people have said something about us, but we don't want to admit it.


      the same thing, if you want to open it, it's heaven, if you don't want to open it, it's hell.


      there is no need to feel sorry. unsuitable people should always be separated.


      sometimes i take others too seriously, but i am nothing in others' eyes.


      maybe one day, you love someone as much as i love you, and you will know how tired i am.


      in fact, i don't need to be so kind to you, so that you can take all of them for granted as hard to come by.


      i can't accept one person because i can't forget another.


      a smile is very beautiful, but you are my don't understand, i am your don't appreciate.


      a person i will be very quiet, i do not ask, do not mention, sad i will use silence to replace.


      i've been thinking for countless moments, if only you were there. as a result, it's still a person who gets through all the time he's thinking.


      think of the people i lost, forget the people i missed.


      people's eyes are black, the heart is red, sometimes the eyes are red and the heart is black.


      the so-called love is when feeling, passion and romance are taken away, you still cherish each other.


      in the bottom of my heart, you have unexpected pain, how long can it last, still keep my strongest smile.


      there is no period in a melody, and it can't be continued.


      maybe it's the current feelings, too expensive, so that the people who pay their heart, good distress.


      in middle age, people have more understanding of life's fate, so thoughts make people more heavy.


      don't want to give up so always insist, don't want to cry so always pretend to smile, don't want to be left so would rather be alone.


      worry is an unspeakable pain, but there is joy in pain.


      our love, is a purple rose, very beautiful, also very easy to wither.


      there are so many things that can't be done. you haven't even given me a serious goodbye.


      there is no desire to explain any more, and i don't want to explain anything for myself, so that you don't feel ridiculous and i feel embarrassed.

恨不能遗忘2024-03-25 14:09:43




















