In the lobby(休息室) after a long day at work




      In the lobby(休息室) after a long day at work, I found myself standing next to a handsome young man with a nice smile. A __ showed what we had in common: I had ____ in New York city from Germany while he had ____ from South America.

      We exchanged stories about the ____ of starting a new life in a new country. “I’ve been ___an apartment within walking distance from my ____. And what I want is to have a good ____ of Central park! But I’m dreaming. I can’t ____ to rent a room like that myself and I haven’t found a roommate to share in expenses.” The young man wrote a ___ down on a piece of paper. “Her name’s Carol and she is a good girl,” he said. “You’ll ____ her, and she needs a roommate.”

      I called her right away. “I’ve been ___ to hear from you,” said Carole, who lived near Central Park. ___, she became my best roommate, and has been my ___ for 34 years.

      “We were sure lucky to ____ each other,” Carole said to me recently. “But I wondered what took you so ____ to call.” I said. “I called right after I ____ your South American friend.” Carole looked amazed. “Not a friend, ___ I met him only once, and he told me about you. But that was a whole week before you finally ____.” “But I don’t understand; I didn’t know him until that afternoon.” “Maybe he know of you before because you were ____ known in the company for your achievement.”

      Though you are a small potato, if you work hard and do ___, people will find you sooner or later.
















      A.finding out



      D.searching for小题6:





































      A.ran into

      B.heard from

      C.knew of

      D.referred to小题17:








































      小题1:考查名词。根据We exchanged stories about the ____ of starting a new life in a new country.可知一次谈话展现了我们有相同之处。Chat聊天;action行动;letter信;sentence句子,故选A。

      小题2:考查动词。根据while he had ____ from South America. 可知我从德国来到纽约。Got得到;arrived到达;reached触及;approached靠近,故选B。

      小题3:考查动词。根据A __ showed what we had in common: I had ____ in New York city from Germany可知这里意思是然而他来自于南美。Returned返回;appeared出现;heard听到;come来,故选D。

      小题4:考查名语。根据starting a new life in a new country.可知在新的城市开始新的生活是很困难的。Pleasure高兴;difficulties困难;excitement激动;danger危险,故选B。

      小题5:考查动词。根据an apartment within walking distance from my ____.可知是在寻找公寓。finding out调查;adopted采用;decorated装饰;searching for寻找。故选D。

      小题6:考查名词。根据I’ve been ___an apartment within walking distance可知是到工作的地方。Job工作;home家;school学校;friend朋友,故选A。

      小题7:考查名词。根据And what I want is to have a good ____ of Central park!可知这里意思是我想好好看一看中心公园的风景。have a good view of好好看一看,故选C。

      小题8:考查动词。根据I can’t ____ to rent a room like that myself and I haven’t found a roommate to share in expenses.”可知这里意思是我不能自己租一个那样的房子,我付不起房租。Realize意识到;provide提供;afford担负的起;stand忍受。故选C。

      小题9:考查名词。根据I called her right away.可知这位年轻人在纸上写下了一个电话号码。Number数字;sign记号;mark痕迹;note笔记,故选A。

      小题10:考查动词。根据“Her name’s Carol and she is a good girl,” he said.可知这里意思是你会喜欢她的。Meet见到;like喜欢;believe相信;agree同意,故选B。

      小题11:考查动词。根据“I’ve been ___ to hear from you,” said Carole, who lived near Central Park.可知这里意思是我等着收到你的来信。Looking看;staying停留;waiting等;keeping保持,故选C。

      小题12:考查副词。根据she became my best roommate, and has been my ___ for 34 years.可知这里意思是实际上。And和;However然而;Then那时;Indeed实际上,故选D。

      小题13:考查名词。根据“We were sure lucky to ____ each other,” Carole said to me recently. “But I wondered what took you so ____ to call.” I said.可知这里意思是事实上,她成为我最好的室友,也是我34年的妻子。Wife妻子;friend朋友;roommate室友;partner伙伴。故选A。

      小题14:考查动词。根据“We were sure lucky to ____ each other,” Carole said to me recently.可知这里意思是很幸运,我们能找到彼此。Receive收到;find找到;notice注意;see看到,故选B。

      小题15:考查形容词。根据I said. “I called right after I ____ your South American friend.”可知这里意思是我想知道为什么那么长时间后,你才给我打电话。short 短的;fast快的;long长的;slow慢的,故选C。

      小题16:考查短语。根据“I called right after I ____ your South American friend.”可知这里意思是在我遇到你的南美朋友后,马上就给你打电话了。ran into遇到;heard from收到……的来信;knew of知道;referred to涉及,故选A。

      小题17:考查副词。根据I met him only once, and he told me about you.可知这里意思是确切地说,我只见过他一次。Hurriedly匆忙地;rapidly迅速地;commonly通常地;exactly确切地,故选D。

      小题18:考查动词。根据“We were sure lucky to ____ each other,” Carole said to me recently. “But I wondered what took you so ____ to call.” I said.可知这里意思是整整一星期后,你才给我打电话。Said说;called打电话;spoke说;visited拜访,故选B。

      小题19:考查短语。根据“Maybe he know of you before because you were ____ known in the company for your achievement.”可知这里意思是可能他以前就知道你,因为你的成就使得你在公司很出名。Be well known是固定用法,意思是很出名,故选C。

      小题20:考查代词。根据Though you are a small potato, if you work hard and do ___, people will find you sooner or later.可知这里意思是如果你工作努力,并且做出一些成就,人们迟早会发现你。Everything每件事;anything任何一件事;nothing没有事;something一些事,故选D。




落日桥头细感风2024-06-20 15:04:16




















