



      在一次主题为“电脑时代”的学校征文活动中,你计划以“The Computer”为题写一篇文章参加评选,你的辅导老师帮助你制订了一个写作纲要,如下:





      The Computer

      The computer is widely used in all phases of society In industry, business, education, medicine, nearly all walks of life, computers have made their appearance, providing great speed and accuracy for our work Computers have been used in the home, offices, laboratories and research institutions, functioning as the most efficient and versatile instruments for calculating, sorting, filing, recording and distributing Computers are indispensable to modern civilization Without computers, our life and our society will undoubtedly suffer a big regression

      During the past five decades the computer has been rapidly advanced Ever since the computer came into being, it has experienced the development of several generations, which are based respectively on vacuum tube, transistor and integrated circuit Early computers were of great size, and had no match for the latest electronic computers in speed and accuracy The Latter is capable of processing the most complicated information and reaching solution to problems in a fraction of time At present, efforts are being made not only to bring the hardware to perfection, but also to improve the quality of the software


      Computers must be instructed and programmed by people In spite of the remarkable skill of the computer, men can never become its slave Computers are not creative They work according to men's instructions So the development of computers and their use will depend upon the ingenuity of men Although there are times when computers seem to operate like a mechanical “brain”,their achievements are not comparable to what the minds of men are able to do



      The computer is a product of advanced civilization and its invention, according to some people, signals the advent of a Second Industrial Revolution Formerly a bulky machine that demanded much space,


      Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming

      Textbook and Reference Work

      MIT Press, hardcover, 900pp+xxix, ISBN 0-262-22069-5, March 2004

      by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi

      “More is not better (or worse) than less, just different”

      — The paradigm paradox

      “Wonderful book, very insightful, strangely easy to read (haven't figured that out yet), very unusual in many respects”

      — Doug Merritt

      “The overarching achievement of this book is to be so provocative that one wants to engage the authors in debate about almost everything they say Partly this is due to the chirpy writing style [] but mostly it is their delicious iconoclasm”

      — Peter Gammie, Book Review, Journal of Functional Programming, March 2009

      I'm XXX, major in computer and networking technologyI'm applying for the position of network engineerI hope I will have a chance to show you about myselfThank you!

成熟美2024-06-16 16:57:12




















