地道英语口语:Bottom line 最低价格

恒星英语学习网 2007年12月03日

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      地道英语口语学习:Bottom line 最低价格

      Helen: This is Real English from BBC Learning English. I’m Helen.
      Zoe: 大家好,我是刘佳。Helen, 今天咱们要学的是什么最新表达呢?

      Helen: Today’s new expression is ‘bottom line’.

      Zoe: Bottom line. Helen, 这个短语说的是什么啊?

      Helen: Well, bottom line is often used in business, and has 2 meanings.

      Zoe: 这个bottom line是个形容商务的短语,它还有两个意思,真难啊

      Helen: I’ll explain – it can mean the most important thing in a discussion. For example, in a meeting you might say ‘The bottom line is that we have to make more money.’

      Insert 录音片断

      A: So, are you going to get divorced, Tony?

      B: Well, the bottom line is we don’t love each other any more, so I guess so!

      Zoe: Bottom line 可以指在讨论过程中,最重要的一件事。 那它的另外一个意思是什么呢?

      Helen: Well, in a negotiation, it means the lowest amount of money that someone will accept. For example ‘I can’t go lower than £2000. That’s my bottom line.’

      Zoe: Bottom line 还指在商务谈判中的可以被接受的最低价格

      Helen: That’s right.

      Insert 录音片断

      A: OK, Smith, take this new offer to Sony. But remember – 20 000 is our bottom line! We can’t go lower than that!

      B: OK, boss. Don’t worry – I’ll do it!

      Zoe: Would you sell me your car, Helen?

      Helen: Why do you ask?

      Zoe: I just want to know what your bottom line is – how low can you go?

      Helen: Well, the bottom line for this discussion is that even if I had a car, I wouldn’t sell it!

      Zoe: And that’s your bottom line…

      Helen: Absolutely! That’s the bottom line.

      Zoe: Bottom line 就是指在商讨中最重要的事,一般就是公司的静赢利额。或者指在商务谈判中愿意接受的最低价格。Well, it looks like we are out of time.

      Helen: Yes, we have to go. You’ve been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Join us again soon. Bye.

      Zoe: See you next time.
