
恒星英语学习网 2012年04月18日

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      1 你耳朵疼吗?能听得清吗?
      Do you have an earache? Do you hear clearly?

      2 你耳朵里有没有一些分泌物流出?
      Are there any secretions flowing out of your ears?

      3 您对别的什么东西过敏吗?
      Are you sensitive to other things?

      4 您得了鼻炎。
      You have rhinitis.

      5 您得了鼻窦炎。
      You have sinusitis.

      6 我给您一种鼻塞专用药。
      I give you a nasal decongestion.

      7 我会给您做几个疗程的脱敏治疗。
      I’ll give you some courses of desensitization therapy.

      8 您的喉咙发炎了。
      You have inflammation in your throat.

      9 咽东西时这儿疼吗?
      Does it hurt here when you swallow food.

      10 您扁桃体发炎了。
      You've got tonsillitis.
