轻松英语口语会话 唱片业的噩梦(mp3+lrc字幕)

恒星英语学习网 2009年08月19日

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]A: Napster,it is not a website.
      [00:02.38]It is a computer program that runs on the Internet
      [00:05.69]You simply type in the name of the song you want and it finds those songs among other Napster users.
      [00:12.67]You then download the song and that's all there is to it.
      [00:16.45]The process might be easier to understand with a demonstration ,so imagine these kids in the circle are Napster users.
      [00:24.19]Jonathon in the middle is the Napster service, Sarah wants a song from Michael, there on the other side of the network,
      [00:32.65]the Napster service in the center helps make that transfer, sort of like a traffic cop or an air traffic controller.
      [00:37.21]中间的Napster 帮助他们传送,就像交通警察或空中交通控制中心。
      [00:41.76]Now if you take the central server away, that's what the court did,the network no longer works.
      [00:48.96]Now here's the catch,if Napster is found to be illegal the kids could get their music trading system
      [00:56.81]going again if they installed their own new server ,another kid in the middle.
      [01:02.68]There are a number of programs like this one called Napigator that will do exactly that it's not made by Napster,
      [01:10.88]so it's immune to the courts order.
      [01:13.44]Or the kids could start trading CDs in something called direct pier to pier, and this is what gives record executives nightmares.
      [01:23.52]Instead of trading across the network they trade directly with each other ,with no outside help,
      [01:29.68]there's no server in the middle,no one to sue ,nothing to shut down .
      [01:34.75]And that's what this program call Nuteller does ,Nuteller is a free download just like Napster.
      [01:41.88]Now the recording industry would like to set it's own standard download system.
