轻松英语口语会话 非常周未(mp3+lrc字幕)

恒星英语学习网 2009年08月21日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]Ted:Hi,my name is Ted,what's yours?
      [00:04.93]Ted:I said my name is Ted,what's yours?
      [00:09.25]Ted:I said,I'm Ted,who are you?
      [00:11.88]Laura:Huh?Oh,my name is Laura.
      [00:15.19]Ted:Do you come here often,Laura?
      [00:17.57]Laura:Huh?I can't hear you;the music's too loud.
      [00:21.71]Ted:Let's go outside and talk.So Laura,do you come here often?
      [00:26.64]Laura:Hold on,my ears are still ringing from the music.So what was it you asked me?
      [00:32.76]Ted:I asked if you come here often.
      [00:34.74]Laura:Sometimes,usually once every a few weeks.Do you?
      [00:38.74]Ted:No,this is my first time here.
      [00:41.29]Laura:I usually come with a group of friends.
      [00:43.85]We dance a little,have a few drinks,and just have a good time.
      [00:48.10]Ted:Yeah,that's why I'm here.My friends dragged me here because they think I spend too much time studying.
      [00:54.83]Laura:That's good.It's good to hit the books,but you need to get out once in a while.
      [00:59.62]Ted:I guess so.But the music is too loud.I don't mind getting out and meeting people,but next time I'll do it in a park.
      [01:08.18]Kelly:Here's your change.
      [01:09.84]Norman:Wait a sec.It's two dollars short.
      [01:12.54]Kelly:No it isn't,the ticket price went up again.
      [01:15.46]Norman:Again?Why do they keep doing this to me?
      [01:18.59]Kelly:It's not that bad.It's only $ 5.50.
      [01:22.01]I've heard that in New York City the price has risen to ten bucks.
      [01:26.69]Norman:Ten bucks!That's ridiculous!
      [01:29.32]The price here is ok,but I don't see why they need to raise the ticket prices any more.
      [01:34.61]Kelly:Well,the lead actor is making ten million for doing the film we're going to see.
      [01:40.26]Norman:Ten million!What is he going to do with all that money?
      [01:44.18]And why do I need to pay him that much?
      [01:46.63]Kelly:His salary is only a fraction of the film's cost.
      [01:50.12]I read that the film took fifty million to make.
      [01:53.69]Salaries were a big part of it,but a lot of it went towards special effects and costumes.
      [02:00.17]Norman:But why do they need to be so greedy?
      [02:02.54]A lot of great films are made on really small budgets.
      [02:05.89]Kelly:Hollywood is just like a business.
      [02:08.16]They put a lot of money into these films,and expect to get a lot back.
      [02:12.59]Norman:But why am I the one who has to pay for it?
      [02:15.58]David:What are you doing now Kate?
      [02:17.59]Kate:Nothing much.I am just chatting on the Internet.
      [02:20.90]David:Cool.I love Internet chat.Do you use ICQ or OICQ?
      [02:27.06]Kate:Yeah,sometimes.But I prefer to stay at a public chat room and talk to many cybernauts.
      [02:33.43]You know,it's just too exciting.
      [02:36.46]David:Have you ever made a good friend on the Internet?
      [02:39.26]Kate:Yeah heaps.Sometimes I even meet them in real life!
      [02:43.44]David:Don't you worry that they might be a weirdo or something though?
      [02:47.15]Kate:I am always careful,and I take a friend with me if I meet someone from the Internet.
      [02:52.26]David:That's good idea.Can you give me some clues to help me meet some friends using Internet chat?
      [02:58.27]Kate:You just want me to teach you how to meet a girlfriend!
      [03:01.69]David:There's no fooling you Kate!You are too smart for me.
      [03:05.54]Kate:I will teach you about Internet chat if you help me with my English so that I can chat with foreigners!
