轻松英语口语会话 做一个品格高尚的人(mp3+lrc字幕)

恒星英语学习网 2009年08月20日

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]One way to build character is to admit your mistakes.
      [00:04.36]Character is revealed in how we handle things that go wrong.
      [00:08.03]Years ago I had to choose someone to organize a huge meeting.
      [00:12.24]I gave an untested employee a chance,and he bombed it big time.
      [00:17.17]"It was all my fault,"he told me.
      [00:19.55]"but if you give me another chance,you have no idea how far I'll go to make the next one succeed."
      [00:25.27]He displayed such courage in admitting his failure that I did give him another chance.
      [00:29.99]And I've never regretted it.
      [00:32.15]He performed do superbly that my estimation of his character was higher than if he's done it right the first time.
      [00:39.38]The best opportunities to build character,however,are within our families,where we are constantly tested and most vulnerable to lapses.
      [00:47.20]True character begins at home.
      [00:49.82]Often we sense that we can get away with things around those who know us best,who will love us regardless of our conduct.
      [00:57.53]This can end up subverting our character and our relationships.
      [01:01.20]How often have we heard of someone who is a gem of an employee but treats his or her spouse like a piece of the woodwork?
      [01:07.90]Perhaps even more common is the following scenario;At one seminar,
      [01:12.54]after I've spoken on the importance of demonstrating character within the family,a man came up and said,
      [01:18.41]"I like what you're saying,but my wife and I just don't have the same feelings for each other that we used to.
      [01:23.92]I guess we don't love each other anymore.What can I do?
      [01:27.55]Love her,I replied.
      [01:29.71]He looked puzzled.How do you love when you don't feel love?
      [01:34.43]"My friend,"I responded,"Love is a verb,
      [01:38.28]The feeling of love in the fruit of love.So love your wife.
      [01:43.18]You did it once,you can do it again.Listen.Emphasize.Appreciate.
      [01:50.30]It's your choice.Are you willing to do that?
      [01:54.01]Of course,I was asking this man if he was willing to search within himself for the character required to make his marriage work.
      [02:01.72]All our relationships follow the contours of life;they have ups and downs.
      [02:07.15]This is why our families provide a critical measure of our character and the opportunity,again and again,to nurture.
      [02:14.57]What became of the bank president who was involved sexually with an employee?
      [02:20.26]When I confided to him what I knew of his affair and the effect it was having on his staff,he ran his fingers through his hair.
      [02:27.92]"I don't know where to begin."he said.
      [02:30.55]Is it over?
      [02:32.28]He looked me squarely in the eye."Yes,Absolutely."
      [02:36.92]Then begin by talking with your wife.I answered.
      [02:40.13]He told his wife,who forgave him.
      [02:42.61]Then he called a meeting of his staff and addressed their morale problem.
      [02:46.50]I have found the cause of the problem.he said.
      [02:49.34]It is me.I am asking you to give me another chance.
      [02:53.59]It took time,but eventually employee morale-a sense of openness,optimism and trust improved.
      [03:01.08]In the end,however,the executive was doing him_self the greatest favor,
      [03:06.16]He was finding his own path to character.
