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  • 历史上的今天

  • 历史上的今天 February 24th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February 24th, 1868, the House of Representatives impeached President Andrew Johnson following his attempted dismissal of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton; Johnson

  • 历史上的今天 February 13th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February 13th, 1935, a jury in Flemington, New Jersey, found Bruno Richard Hauptmann guilty of first-degree murder in the kidnap-death of the infant son of Charles

  • 历史上的今天 February tenth


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February tenth, 1967, the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, dealing with presidential disability and succession, went into effect. On this date:
    In 1763, France

  • 历史上的今天 February ninth


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February ninth, 1950, in a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, Senator Joseph McCarthy (Republican, Wisconsin) charged the State Department was riddled with Communis

  • 历史上的今天 February 8th


    421 - Constantius III becomes co-Emperor of the Western Roman Empire.
    1575 - Universiteit Leiden founded, and given the motto "Praesidium Libertatis".
    1587 - Mary, Queen of Scots was executed at s

  • 历史上的今天 February seventh


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February seventh, 1943, the government announced that shoe rationing would go into effect in two days, limiting consumers to buying three pairs per person for the r

  • 历史上的今天 February sixth


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February sixth, 1952, Britain's King George the Sixth died; he was succeeded by his daughter, Elizabet

  • 历史上的今天 February fifth


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February fifth, 1937, President Roosevelt proposed increasing the number of Supreme Court justices; critics charged Roosevelt was attempting to "pack" the court. On

  • 历史上的今天 February fourth


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February fourth, 1789, electors unanimously chose George Washington to be the first president of the United States. On this date:
    In 1783, Britain declared a form

  • 历史上的今天 February third


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February third, 1959, a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, claimed the lives of rock-and-roll stars Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson

  • 历史上的今天 February second


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February second, 1536, the Argentine city of Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza of Spain.

  • 历史上的今天 February first


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On February first, 1960, four black college students began a sit-in protest at a lunch counter in Greensb

  • 历史上的今天 January 31st


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On January 31st, 1950, President Truman announced he had ordered development of the hydrogen bomb. On

  • December 30th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 30th, 1922, Vladimir I. Lenin proclaimed the establishment of the Union of Soviet Sociali

  • December 31st


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 31st, 1879, Thomas Edison first publicly demonstrated his electric incandescent light in Menl

  • December 28th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 28th, 1917, the New York "Evening Mail" published a facetious essay by H.L.

  • December 29th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 29th, 1851, the first American Young Men's Christian Association was organized, in Boston.

  • December 26th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 26th, 1799, the late George Washington was eulogized by Colonel Henry Lee as "first in w

  • December 24th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 24th, 1951, Gian Carlo Menotti's "Amahl and the Night Visitors," the first opera wr

  • December 25th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    In A.D. 336, the first recorded celebration of Christmas on December 25th took place in Rome. On this date:
    In 1066, William the Conqueror was crowned king of England

  • December 22nd


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 22nd, 1894, French army officer Alfred Dreyfus was convicted of treason in a court-martial th

  • December 23rd


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 23rd, 1893, the Engelbert Humperdinck opera "Haensel und Gretel" was first performe

  • December 20th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 20th, 1860, South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union. On this date:

  • December 21st


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 21st, 1620, Pilgrims aboard the "Mayflower" went ashore for the first time at prese

  • December 18th


    Today's Highlight in History:
    On December 18th, 1944, in a pair of rulings, the Supreme Court upheld the wartime relocation of Japanese

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