
我的听力网站 2005年04月27日 16:00

      04 尊重能源公司的海外发展权

      TITLE=DEVELOPMENT REPORT - Human Rights Agreement for Energy Companies BYLINE=Jill Moss1

      (Start at58")This is the VOA Special English DEVELOPMENT REPORT.
      Several international (1)energy and mining companies say they will support new human rights guidelines2 in developing countries. The measures will honor3 human rights while protecting company operations in foreign countries. Companies can choose to follow the rules, which will not be legally (2)enforced. The United States, Britain and many international human rights groups support the measures.
      Many of the world's energy and (3)minerals are in developing countries (4)experiencing political conflicts. International oil and mineral companies often are targets of critics and (5)extremist groups. The companies or governments sometimes use (6)violent measures against the groups.
      Officials say the new guidelines could lead to international laws needed to prevent human rights (7)violations4. Some of the most serious problems have happened in Africa. Often the human rights violations are between government (8)troops and private security5 forces hired by the energy companies. The security forces are needed to protect a company's workers and (9)property. But, officials are questioning what steps a company can take to protect its interests before security measures become human rights violations.
      Under the new guidelines, companies promise to examine any charges of human rights violations by their own security forces. They will also push for (10)investigations into any suspected violations by government forces. And, the companies will try to (11)guarantee that their equipment is not (12)misused by government security troops or in human rights violations.
      It is not clear if the guidelines will make a difference. American officials say they do not plan to check if companies follow the measures. As a result, some human rights groups say the guidelines do not go far enough. However, they say the measures could provide companies with a guide on how to solve problems while operating in foreign countries.
      Several international energy and mining companies have agreed to follow the guidelines. They include Royal Dutch Shell, B-P Amoco, Texaco, Conoco, Chevron6, Freeport McMoRan Copper7 and Gold and Rio Tinto. However, the largest oil company in the United States, Exxon Mobil, says it will probably not take part in the agreement.
      This Special English development report was written by Jill Moss.

      (1)  energy[ 5enEdVi ]n.精力, 精神, 活力, [物]能量
      (2)  enforce[ in5fC:s ]vt.强迫, 执行, 坚持, 加强
      (3) mineral[ 5minErEl ]n.矿物, 矿石
      (4) experience[ iks5piEriEns ]n.vt.经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历
      (5) extremist[ iks5tri:mist ]n.极端主义者, 过激分子adj.极端主义(者)
      (6) violent[ 5vaiElEnt ]adj.猛烈的, 激烈的, 暴力引起的, 强暴的
      (7) violation[ 7vaiE5leiFEn ]n.违反, 违背, 妨碍, 侵害, [体]违例, 强奸
      (8) troop[ tru:p ]n.群,多数, 军队vi.群集, 成群而行vt.把(骑兵)编成骑兵连
      (9) property[ 5prCpEti ]n.财产, 所有物, 所有权, 性质, 特性, (小)道具
      (10) investigation[ in7vesti5^eiFEn ]n.调查, 研究
      (11) guarantee[ 7^ArEn5ti: ]n.保证, 保证书, 抵押品vt.保证, 担保
      (12) misuse[ 5mis5ju:z ]v.误用, 错用, 滥用, 虐待n.误用, 错用, 滥用, 误用之实例