
英语分级阅读 2019年03月01日 08:42:26


      McDonalds lost the EU trademark1 to the #Bigmacand this is how BurgerKing has launched in Sweden.

      麦当劳在欧盟区失去了 #巨无霸 这个商标,于是汉堡王在瑞典推出了同名产品。

      The cheekily-named items are: Like a Big Mac, butActually Big.


      In true Burger king style, the 'beef' between thebrands was created by creative agency INGO.


      McDonald’s bid to trademark “Big Mac” in Europe went down the drain — and Burger Kingcame at it with a whopper of a burn in response.


      A European court ruled last month in favor of an Ireland-based fast-food chain calledSupermac’s and revoked2 McDonald’s registration3 of the trademark for its iconic burger.


      麦当劳又遇大危机,于是汉堡王落井下石出损招.jpgIn response, Burger King’s Swedish operation revamped its menu — with a whole sectioncalled “Not Big Mac’s.”


      The biting sign lists options for “Like a Big Mac but Actually Big,” “The Burger Big Mac Wished itWas” and “Anything but a Big Mac.”


      “McDonald’s just lost its trademark for the Big Mac for suing a much smaller player … it’s toomuch fun for us to stay away,” said Iwo Zakowski, CEO of Burger King’s Swedish operation, according to the Guardian4 UK.
