






      5、i wish you every success in the entrance examination. a dream come true!

      6、nothing can be done if you are careful and careful.




      10、efforts to build strength, attitude determines height.



      13、because you work hard, even if it fails, it is also beautiful.

      14、you will succeed. take a good test. wish you success!



      17、the important thing in life is not the position we are standing at, but the direction we are heading towards.






      23、the mountains will fall, and they will flow by water and water.


      25、no failure, only temporary suspension of success!

      26、fight for a spring, summer, autumn and winter.

      27、having dreams is just a kind of intelligence, and realizing dreams is a kind of ability.

      28、you have to think highly of yourself before others can think of you.




      32、the sky is beautiful because of the rainbow, and life is wonderful because of hard work.

      33、winners will never give up, and those who give up will never succeed.

      34、in the world, only those who cant understand cant get through.

      35、back to the battle, sprint the mid-term exam.

      36、you will become a great master in the future.



      39、decisive mid-term exam, changing destiny. repeated defeats and repeated battles.

      40、tears are not our answer. fighting is our choice.

      41、the sun is new every day. do you work hard every day?

      42、there is no end to struggle, any time is a starting point.

      43、earnestness is the secret of success. carelessness is the companion of failure.


      45、the courage to start is the way to success.



      48、calm response to the mid-term exam, strive for the ideal results.



      51、with your unremitting efforts, you can prove that you are no worse than others.

      52、sweat before exams is priceless, and tears are useless after examination.

      53、distant will no longer be far away, ordinary is no longer ordinary.


      55、improve your mid-term exam, win the mid-term exam and change your life.

      56、calm down, cast my strength; spell up and shine my style.


      58、those who dodge reality will not be ideal in the future.

发奋图强2024-03-25 14:16:16




















