



      choose the lightest thing and interpret the rough life.


      acacia is also sad, sad snow storm. read rain flower drunk fall, from the water heartbreak.


      when that person starts to ignore you, it's time to learn to ignore that person.


      late at night negative energy to doubt life, but in the daytime like a fool smile to live, perhaps, this is life.


      listen to sad songs and lead a decadent life.


      go to bed early. those who don't want to say good night to you are doomed to wait.


      give up and get, no more than a kind of reincarnation, see through, also relieved.


      even if no one gives you a reason, life is still worth sticking to.


      after thinking about it carefully, i couldn't find a person willing to coax me. i felt it was a failure.


      later, we were all very clear, you did not turn back, i did not retain; since then, we have become strangers, no news.


      one doesn't know what to have, two don't know how to grasp.


      sometimes estrangement is not hate, but too like and very helpless.


      i know i can't give you the love you want, and i know our love can't come back.


      in fact, i really want to disappear for a long time, change my name, change my appearance and meet you again.


      missing you is like coughing. how to stop it is helpless.


      i'm so tired now. want to cry but have no strength.


      in fact, a person is very good, no worries, no obstacles, just a little lonely.


      i am the one who has been tortured many times by you, and then coaxed well by words and actions.


      in love i regard you as the only one, but you regard me as one.


      sometimes i can choose to be blind, but don't think i'm stupid.


      the most regretful thing i've ever done in my life is that i wanted to grow up quickly when i was a child.


      i like him from 100% to just a little. i don't want to be with him anymore.


      you used to be the yearning of my thin youth, and the bedding of this long youth only changed into strangers.


      everyone has a sadness, want to hide but want to cover up.


      no tacit understanding is needed for mutual frying. ignorance is the most hot black charcoal or unpopular meat.


      color, light is good, dark will fade; life, simple is good, complex will deteriorate.


      love is just like a habit. you are used to having him in your life, and he is used to having you in plain life.


      you are destroying when you get it, and you are regretting when you lose it.


      there's no empathy at all. you'll never hurt if you don't get a needle.


      distance will lead to suspicion, indulgence, and indifference, but it will never produce beauty.


      the most painful thing is not that you don't understand my sadness and loneliness, but that i can't cry even though i am in pain.


      i am your lonely companion, you are my boring lover.


      like to cool prefer summer, afraid of loneliness but one person to survive all the night.


      walk in the street, hear the songs you have sung, follow the beat with your heart, it hurts for a while.


      i was happiest the day i met you, but later, my happiness and unhappiness were more or less related to you.


      you have to learn to go out alone.


      everything is right, everything you want, nothing you can get.


      those who seem to be free and easy on the surface have a corner in their heart, which is completely broken.


      if i can go back to the past, i will choose not to know you, not i regret, is i can not face the end without you.


      no matter how difficult it is, you should smile, even if you pretend.


      don't forget to smile and give yourself a scissors hand, because that's the best of yourself.


      we don't know each other from the beginning to the end. in the story of passing away, you owe me a treasure.


      inadvertently miss is so painful, painful to the memories do not dare to touch, years do not take pain, is to make people used to the pain.

温暖守候依然美2024-03-25 14:12:25




















