Top 10 must-try dishes in Xinjiang

By Xu Xiaoxuan
0Comment(s)PrintE-mail, December 2, 2023

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      Latiaozi (pulled noodles)

      A plate of latiaozi, April 8, 2019. [Photo/VCG]

      "Latiaozi" is a local term for Xinjiang-style hand-pulled noodles. Local residents stir fry mutton or beef with vegetables, and then mix them with boiled noodles.

      While the preparation of latiaozi might appear straightforward, crafting a plate of noodles that is both aromatic and delectable involves a level of culinary artistry on par with creating a high-end gourmet dish. The stir-fried meat should showcase a lustrous color, with a thick and transparent sauce that remains cohesive, without becoming greasy. 
