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恒星英语学习网 2009年06月11日

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]恒星英语(hxen.com)It's hard to decide...but I really think I like the red one better than the blue.
      [00:05.72]She really gave the stronger performance.She deserves the first prize.
      [00:10.80]Well this coat would be more practical for colder weather,but I think the other one is so much more attractive.
      [00:17.53]But I believe I will buy the more practical one.
      [00:20.38]I'm only judging by her behavior,but I think she seems a little selfcentered.
      [00:25.27]Make the decision based on your own judgement.Don't rely on others' opinions.
      [00:29.77]It's too hard to judge from this distance.It looked like both runners finished at the same time.
      [00:34.45]I don't want to judge him too harshly.He's been having a difficult time lately.
      [00:39.24]I hate to sound judmental,but they should both know better than to get involved with something like that.
      [00:44.86]If I were forced to judge between them,I would say Frank is the better speaker.
      [00:49.54]Judging from what you say,I would think you would like to travel more often.
      [00:54.04]Everything is not black and white.It's usually very difficult to judge.
      [00:58.21]I hate making decisions.I can never judge what's right.
      [01:02.17]It's too close to call.I can't make a judgement on this one.
      [01:05.92]It's no contest.He's the clear winner.
      [01:08.98]It's hard to say.
      [01:11.35]Who can judge for sure?I can only go on what I believe.
      [01:15.42]Judging is not an exact science.We may never know who's right.
      [01:20.35]I would prefer to withhold judgement at this point.
      [01:23.09]I'm reserving judgement at this time.
      [01:25.79]How could I possibly judge given what little information I have?
      [01:29.89]It is not for me to judge.
      [01:32.09]I can form a judgement based on the facts before me.
      [01:35.40]It is impossible to make a completely impartial judgement.
