
恒星英语学习网 2007年06月27日

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      1.Y 2.Y 3.N. 4.Y. 5.NG 6. N 7. Y 8. unwelcome emails
      9. names and contact information 10. economic gain


      11.C) it might appeal more to viewers over 40

      12.D)the man admires the woman's talent in writing

      13 B)the woman saved the man some trouble

      14.A)he quit teaching in June

      15.C)she only read part of the book

      16.D)she had been away from school to attend to her husband

      17.D) the Smith's new house if not far from their old one

      18 A) the man had a hard time finding a parking place

      19.C)The hotel clerk tried to take advantage of his inexperience.

      20.B)There was a conference going on in the city.

      21.A)It was free of charge on weekends

      22.C)Complain to the hotel manager

      23.B)Assistant Director of the Admission Office.

      24.A)nearly fifty percent are foreigners

      25.C)She will be more involved in policy making.

      26.C) her parents immigrated to America

      27 B) her parents immigrated to America

      28.D) she was highly devoted to her family

      29 C) he was seriously injured

      30 A) he was able to talk again

      31.B)Two and a half months.

      32.D)They declined to give detail of his condition.

      33.A)For people to share ideas and show farm products.

      34.B)By bring a grain in exchange for a ticket.

      35.D)They remind the Americans of the importance of agriculture

      36 meaning

      37 adjusting

      38 aware

      39 competition

      40 standards 

      41 accustomed 

      42 semester

      43 inquire

      44 at their worst ,they may threaten to take their children out of college or cut off funds

      45 think it only right and natural that they determine what  their children do with their lives

      46 who are now young adults must ,be the ones responsible for what they do and what they are


      47. L complained

      48. G seriously

      49. I determining

      50. D range

      51. O specialize

      52. F issues

      53. B involves

      54. M respect

      55. J limited

      56. C significant


      57. D) one cannot use them at the same time.

      58. B) attempting to edit as they write

      59. C) To get one's ideas down

      60. B) it takes too much time to edit afterwards

      61. A) It refines his writing into better shape

      62. B) She is fed up with the issue of gender discrimination

      63. A) the very fact that she is a woman

      64. C) People's stereotyped attitude towards female scientists

      65. D) More female students are pursuing science than before

      66. C) Women can balance a career in science and having a family


      67. A) injured

      68. B) Almost

      69. D) across

      70. C) personnel

      71. B) in

      72. C) arrival

      73. D) provided

      74. A) never

      75. D) mixed

      76. B) as

      77. C) under

      78. A) facilities

      79. B) dreaming

      80. C) farming

      81. D) nothing

      82. A) lines

      83. C) estimate

      84. B) away

      85. D) recovery

      86. A) from


      87. take people's sleep quality into account

      88. the field (where) we can cooperate / the field in which we can cooperate

      89. decided to quit the match

      90. contact us at the following address

      91. if it is convenient for you / at your convenience
