
可可听力网 2011年12月29日 16:40:19

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      the state of being quiet; tranquillity; calmness; stillness; quiet
      n. 寂静; 平静; 镇静; 沉着

      A state of restlessness or uneasiness; disquietude
      n. 不安;焦虑

      Something that serves to suppress, check, or eliminate.
      Release from life; death.
      A final discharge, as of a duty or debt.
      n. 生命的终止;寂灭;解除;偿清

      the quality or state of being quiescent
      n. 静止;沉默

      To deprive of peace or rest; trouble.
      Absence of peace or rest; anxiety.
      lack of calm, peace, or ease; anxiety; uneasiness.
      vt. 使不安;使担心,使忧虑
      n. 担心,不安;焦虑,忧虑

      The President's speech caused considerable disquiet in some European capitals.

      acquiesceac- = ad-, to qui-quiet coalesce
      To consent or comply passively or without protest.
      vi. 默许;勉强同意

      After a lot of persuasion,he finally acquiesced.
      Passive assent or agreement without protest.
      The state of being acquiescent.
      n. 默许;默从

      Disposed or willing to acquiesce.
      adj. 默认的;默许的;甘心接受的

      Far from being unctuous, Pat was always loath to appear acquiescent.