United Nude品牌专区

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United Nude United Nude

United Nude
United Nude品牌专区
  英国新锐设计品牌United Nude 的出名是源于一款名叫“Mobius”的单鞋设计。 United Nude “Mobius”具有超现代风格,有两个普通鞋跟的高度,但没有传统的鞋跟。“Mobius”于2003年3月推出,至今仍是United Nude 系列产品中最热卖的单品。

  United Nude 最出名的亮相是在Marc Jacobs 08春夏秀场上,那双被各大杂志及潮人博客主大作文章的“无跟鞋”让United Nude 彻底大红特红了一次。

  United Nude 的创办人是荷兰建筑师Rem D Koolhaas 和Galahad Clark,前者是荷兰建筑大师Rem Koolhaas 的侄子,而后者则是英国萨默塞特郡一家鞋商的后裔。因此United Nude 的系列单品融合了建筑与时尚的元素,款式简洁却有很多创新的细节,正是建筑的美感融入到了鞋子当中形成的特殊魅力。超现代的风格也成为众杂志编辑和明星热追的要素之一。

  United Nude 于2008在广州五月花广场开设中国大陆地区第一家专卖店,United Nude 广州店由品牌创意总监Rem D Koolhaas 亲自设计,所有单品陈列在一排排的灯盒中,整体设计感觉简洁且强烈。United Nude 在伦敦、纽约、维也纳均设有专门店,全球范围内的各大型百货公司均设有专柜。

  建筑设计界大师级人物Zaha Hadid 及Madonna、Beyonce、Jessica Simpson 都是品牌的忠实粉丝。

  This story begins with a broken heart. Rem's attempt to get the girl back was made by downsizing architecture to its smallest and most vulnerable scale, that of a woman's foot.

  While most romantic notions are often foolish, what was hatched through the inspiration of romance was the 'Möbius' shoe. The girl was gone, but he knew the shoe had to become real.

  Now add Galahad to our story. The seventh generation of the Clark's shoe-making dynasty.

  When Rem and Galahad first met, Galahad saw the Möbius shoe design, and he was instantly convinced that a new brand had to be formed.

  Joined together, Rem and Galahad created United Nude. The name derived from the fact that products evolve from international teams in an open way with direct recognition. United Nude launched in 2003 with the 'Möbius' shoe. Since then, United Nude has established itself as an iconic brand at the intersection between design and fashion.

  United Nude products are about clear concepts, elegance and innovation.

  After the Möbius shoe, United Nude has launched countless other products. The current Autumn/Winter collection for 2010 boasts twenty different styles of shoes in addition to the original launch product.

  Today, the United Nude brand is sold in over 40 countries worldwide and United Nude has a booming retail business with a flagship stores in Amsterdam, New York, Shanghai as well as proprietary stores in London, Vienna, Tianjin, and two retail stores in Guangzhou.

  All queries relating to United Nude's Online Shop please email customerserviceunitednude

  United Nude Retail Stores -

  Amsterdam Flagship Store

  125A Spuistraat, Amsterdam 1012SM

  Tel: +31 (0) 203309796


  New York Flagship Store

  25 Bond Street, New York, NY 10012

  Tel: +1 (212) 420-6000


  Shanghai Flagship Store

  817 Huaihai Road, Luwan District, Shanghai

  Tel: +86 (021) 54655572


  Mayflower Plaza, 319-D, 68 Zhong Shan Wu Lu, Guangzhou.

  Tel +86 (020) 83370229

  Shop 2035, 2F, China Plaza Shopping Mall, No. 33 Zhong Shan San Lu, Guangzhou.

  Tel: +86-020-83036606


  Tianjing Yuandong 1F, No.168, Dongma Rd., Tianjin City.

  Tel +86 (022) 2728 6702


  Herrengasse 6-8, Ecke Michaelerplatz, Vienna 1010 Austria

  +43 (0676) 93 63 067


  Media, Press& Publicity -

  melissafoxgreenberg (USA/Canada)

  naomisurgerypr (United Kingdom& Ireland)

  nanaspicepr.nl (Netherlands)

  christianbonjourcomunicacion (Spain& Portugal)

  skyunitednude (China/Taiwan/Hong Kong)

  imkedeluxe-distribution.de (Germany)

  pressunitednude (Worldwide)

  Sales, Distribution and Other Queries -

更 新:2021-5-29

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