
英语分级阅读 2014年01月24日 14:59:53


      Many years ago ,in a city in Arabia, there was1 a boy called Aladdin. He lived with his mother in a little house near the marker, and they were very poor. Aladdin's mother worked all day, and sometimes half the night, but Aladdin never helped her.

      He was a lazy2 boy and he did3 not like to work. He only wanted to play all the time. Every morning he ran4 through the streets to the market5. There, he talked and laughed and played with his friends all day. Then in the evening he went home for his dinner. And every night his mother said6 to him: ‘Oh, Aladdin, Aladdin! You are a lazy boy - a good - for-nothing! When are you going7 to do some work, my son?'

      But Aladdin never listened to his mother.

      One day in the market there was an old man in a long black coat. Aladdin did not see him, but the old man watched Aladdin very carefully8. After some minutes he went up to an orange-seller and asked:

      ‘That boy in the green coat — who is he?'

      ‘Aladdin, son of Mustafa,' was the answer.

      The old man moved away. ‘Yes,' he said quietly9. ‘Yes, that is the boy. The right name and the right father.'

      Then he called out to Aladdin: ‘Boy! Come here for a minute. Is your name Aladdin? Aladdin, son of Mustafa?'

      Aladdin left his friends and came10 to the old man. ‘Yes,' he said, ‘I am Aladdin, son of Mustafa. But my father is dead11. He died12 five years ago.'

      ‘Dead!' said the old man. ‘ Oh, no!' He put his face in his hands and began to cry.

      ‘Why are you crying?' asked Aladdin. ‘Did you know my father?'


      他很懒惰,不喜欢劳动,只想整天玩耍。每天早晨他都穿过街道跑到市场上, 一整天都和伙伴们在那儿说笑嬉戏,傍晚时分才回家吃饭。











      2级    双语  牛津书虫  阿拉丁和神灯 

      单词标签: was  lazy  did  ran  market  said  going  carefully  quietly  came  dead  died 


      1was [wɒz]   第2级



  •       He said he was right. 他说他是正确的。
  •       He was cold and hungry. 他又冷又饿。

      2lazy [ˈleɪzi]   第2级



  •       Lazy people seldom succeed. 懒惰的人很少会成功。
  •       Don't be so lazy. 不要这样懒惰。

      3did [dɪd]   第2级



  •       How many goals did you score in the last game? 上一场比赛你们进了几个球?
  •       Why did you choose basketball in the first place? 你为何首先选择篮球呢?

      4ran [ræn]   第2级



  •       He ran, and then slowed down to a walk. 他跑着,然后放慢速度步行。
  •       As soon as Marie opened the door, the dog ran in. 当玛丽一打开门,狗就跑了进来。

      5market [ˈmɑ:kɪt]   第2级



  •       The next market is on the 15th. 下一次集市是15号。
  •       There is no market for these goods. 这些货物,没有销路。

      6said [sed]   第2级



  •       He said to me that he could not come. 他对我说他不能来。
  •       He said to his mother that he would do it by himself. 他对他的母亲说他将自己独立做那件事。

      7going [ˈgəʊɪŋ]   第2级

      n.去,离去,地面(或道路)的状况,工作情况;(复数形式)goings: 行为;adj.进行中的,流行的,现存的


  •       We're going to listen to a report this afternoon. 今天下午我们要去听报告。
  •       He hates leaving the office and going on holiday. 他不愿离开办公室去度假。

      8carefully ['keəfəlɪ]   第2级



  •       If you watch carefully you will see how to do it. 如果你仔细观察,你就会看出如何做此事了。
  •       Now listen carefully everybody. 请大家仔细地听。

      9quietly ['kwaɪətlɪ]   第2级



  •       Winter has came quietly. 冬天悄然地来了。
  •       You have to play quietly. 你要安安静静地玩。

      10came [keɪm]   第2级



  •       I was surprised why he came here so early. 他为什么那么早到这里,我很惊奇。
  •       The doctor came in time to save his life. 医生及时来抢救他的生命。

      11dead [ded]   第2级



  •       Mary threw away the dead flowers. 玛丽把枯萎的花扔掉了。
  •       He was dead asleep. 他完全睡着了。

      12died [daid]   第2级

      vbl.死亡,消逝v.死亡,枯萎( die的过去式和过去分词 );死时处于(某种状态)或具有(某种身份)adj.死亡的,消逝的


  •       He was banished to Australia, where he died five years later. 他被流放到澳大利亚,五年后在那里去世。
  •       He was utterly bereft when his wife died. 他的妻子去世时,他十分凄凉。