人教9全一册 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth

天津中公教育网 2021年06月18日 11:06:22



      人教9全一册 Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Section A 2a-2d


      根据人民教育出版社《义务教育教科书英语》九年级全一册We’re trying to save the earth! Section A 2a-2d 部分,按要求进行相应的教学设计。


      1. Teaching aims:

      Knowledge aim:

      Students can get more familiar with the topic of pollution and accumulate expressions related to the topic.

      Ability aim:

      Students will master some listening strategies like catching key words and predicting based on the text content.

      Emotional aim:

      Students’ sense of protecting environment can be nurtured through learning this course, and they can properly do what they can do to protect the environment in their daily life.

      2. Key and difficult points:

      Key point:

      Students can get more familiar with the topic of pollution and accumulate expressions related to the topic.

      Difficult point:

      Students can cultivate the awareness of protecting environment and apply it to real life.

      3. Teaching procedures:

      Step 1: Warming up:

      The teacher plays a music video called The Earth Song of Michael Jackson, and asks students to watch it and answer the following questions: What does the video show? What does the song want to express? Invite a student to answer these questions. Then lead in today’s topic - We’re Trying to Save The Earth!

      Justifications: Video is a good way to create an active English learning atmosphere in the class. Besides, as the video is related to today’s topic, the teacher can lead in new lesson directly.

      Step 2: Pre-listening:

      Activity 1: Hunt the words

      The teacher divides the students into four groups. Each group chooses a topic from 2a. According to the topic, each student must say the words or phrases related to the words spoken by the previous student, and see which group can say the most relevant words in the specified time. For example: land pollution→rubbish→dirty→throw→dustbin→clean up…

      After the vocabulary relay, students are given one minute to review the words or phrases listed by their group.

      Activity 2: Prediction

      Ask students to observe the sentences in activity 2b first and make a prediction on the contents to be filled in. For example, “The air is badly polluted because there are _____ on the road these days.”, which can be inferred from the whole sentence that a noun should be filled in the horizontal line.

      Justification: This activity can not only fully mobilize students’ awareness of active participation, but also effectively focus students’ attention, arouse students’ knowledge reserve related to topics in their minds, and prepare them well for listening. Pre-listening prediction can help students capture key words more effectively while listening to the tape.

      Step 3: While-listening:

      Teacher will play the tape for the first time and let students finish activity 2a and check answers together.

      Listen to the tape for the second time. Students complete activity 2b independently. Then check each others’ answers and spellings with their desk mate. The teacher announces the answers and the class checks their own answers.

      For the third listening, students should listen to the tape and follow the dialogue. Remind the students to imitate the pronunciation and intonation.

      Justifications: Through three times of listening, students can master the main content of listening materials and some listening strategies.

      Step 4: Post-listening:

      Activity 1:

      The teacher asks students to read the listening materials in the appendix to find out the causes of the air pollution and land pollution in the dialogue. Then ask students to work in pairs in 5 minutes to discuss what else in life can cause these two kinds of pollution. After the discussion, ask some students to report the results of the discussion. In the process of students’ discussion, teachers can give targeted encouragement and suggestions

      Activity 2:

      Let students observe all kinds of environmental damage or environmental pollution around them, and then show the results in the form of cartoons. Teachers can let students form a group of four, one is responsible for providing ideas, one is responsible for drawing, one is responsible for writing, and one is responsible for introducing comics to the whole class, and then the students are asked to vote for the best introduction award, the best creative award, the best artist award and the best narrator award. Then, the teacher will post excellent works in the classroom and hold an environmental cartoon exhibition.

      Justifications: Through free discussion, students can consolidate their knowledge today and cultivate their awareness of protecting environment. Cartoon activities can not only exercise children’s hands-on, verbal and mental abilities, so that children can use language in real tasks, but also permeate the cultivation of environmental awareness.

      Step 5: Summary and homework:

      The teacher will summarize today’s main point. As for the homework, students should design a poster to call on people to protect the environment. A good poster will be displayed in front of the whole class.

      Justification: Homework enables students to better digest the knowledge in class. Students can also find potential problems when finishing the work and solve them in the next class.

      4. Blackboard design:



      THE END 





