
恒星英语学习网 2019年03月18日

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      U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York has launched her campaign to win the Democratic Party nomination to oppose President Donald Trump in the 2020 election.
      来自纽约州的联邦参议员陆天娜(Kirsten Gillibrand,克尔斯滕·吉利布兰德,中文名陆天娜)已经展开了竞选活动,力图在2020年大选中赢得民主党提名挑战川普总统。

      She formally launched her bid Sunday morning, not with a big speech, but instead with a video that poses the question, "WIll brave win?"

      "We need a leader who makes big, bold, brave choices," Gillibrand says in the video. "Someone who isn't afraid of progress."

      The lawmaker is set to deliver her first major speech next week in front of Trump International Hotel in New York City.

      She gave an indication in the video of the issues she will focus on during her campaign. "We launched ourselves into space and landed on the moon. If we can do that, we can definitely achieve universal health care,"she said. "We can provide paid family leave for all, end gun violence, pass a Green New Deal, get money out of politics and take back our democracy."

      Gillibrand was appointed to the Senate in 2009. She filled the New York Senate seat vacated by Hillary Clinton, but since then has won three elections to retain the seat.
