
恒星英语学习网 2017年04月20日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  



      Do you have a pen I could borrow?

      Is there any wine?

      Did you buy any bread?

      如果你知道或者看见某人拥有某物,可以用could或may来进行礼貌地提问。在一些非正式场合中,也可以用can。在过去,在要求获得某物的时候并不会用到can,它只会在表示能力时才使用。在英国,剑桥大学出版的英语教学材料中,就用到了can you lend me(你能借给我)、can I have(我能••••••)等句型。在美国,这种形式仍被认为是错误的,人们更倾向于使用May I have…(我能•••••••)。

      It's common to ask for things using yes / no polite phrases with 'Could you ...' and verbs such as 'lend', 'hand' and 'give'.
      将是/否型礼貌短语与could you动词lend、hand和give搭配是很常见的。


      May I borrow a ..., please?

      Could you lend me a ..., please?

      May I have a / some ..., please?

      Could you hand me that / some ..., please?


      Can I borrow a / some ..., please?

      Can you lend me that / some ...., please? etc.


      NOT: Please give me a pen.

      Correct: Could you give me a pen, please?

      Example Dialogues

      Person 1: Could you hand me that magazine?

      Person 2: Certainly, here it is.

      Person 1: Could you lend me a few dollars for lunch, please?

      Person 2: I'd be happy to do that. How much do you need?

      You can also ask for things using 'Could I ...' with verbs such as 'borrow', 'have', and 'use'.
      在向别人要求某物时,你可以将could I ……与borrow、have、use等动词连用。

      Example Dialogues

      Person 1: Could I borrow your pen, please?

      Person 2: Certainly, here you are.

      Person 1: Could I use that book?

      Person 2: The red one, or the blue one?

      Person 1: The blue one. Thank you.

      Indirect Questions - Even More Polite

      我们也可以通过间接地提问来向别人要求某物,从而显得更加礼貌。间接提问经常会用在正式场合或与陌生人说话时用到。它们在语法上的难度也更高一些。间接提问会使用Do you think…(你认为)I wonder……(我想知道)和Would it be alright if ...(如果•••••••可以吗)等短语。

      Example Dialogues

      Person 1: Would you mind loaning me your pen?

      Person 2: Certainly, here you are.

      Person 1: I wonder if you could help me with this problem?

      Person 2: I'd be happy to do that. What seems to be the problem?

      Special Note on Borrow / Lend


      Borrow = give to someone to use

      Lend = take from someone to use
