潮流英语口语1000句 Unit36:办公室里的爱情(mp3+lrc)

恒星英语学习网 2016年03月24日

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      01. If handled responsibly, an office love affair can be rewarding.


      02. How am I supposed to ask her on a date?


      03. Love and a cough cannot be hidden.


      04. We are on the same wavelength.


      05. A budding romance with a coworker can really spice up life at the office.


      06. We work from morning to evening. We have no chance to meet other boys/girls except our colleagues.


      07. Keep the relationship private and discreet until you are ready to publicly announce that you are a couple.


      08. Keep public displays of affection off work.


      09. It is learned that finding a boyfriend or girlfriend has become a headache for many white collars.


      10. Since you spend so many hours together at work, you already have an idea of what he/she is like.


      11. Office romances may interfere with individuals' abilities to per form their professional duties.


      12. There is an obvious potential for conflicts of interest between office situations and relationships.


      13. There will almost certainly be jealousy. The easiest way is simply to accept it, then ignore it as best as you can.


      14. Conduct yourself in the same manner as you did prior to the relationship after the departure.


      15. You're early every morning, cheerful and happy because you're in love, and want to leave a good impression on your object of affection.


      16. One of the positive aspects of an office rornance is time efficiency, since you no longer need to search for a significant other in the evening.


      17. Uncomfortable situations may arise when career advancement issues come into play.


      18. To hunt for marriage partners, single white collars have begun to change their focus from the whole city to smaller units--their own work places.


      19. We don't want to be single, but there is no chance for us to change our situation.


      20. Just make sure you weigh the professional risks with the personal rewards of your particular situation before falling head-over-heels.

