英语口语畅谈世界文化之中国16:The Great wall长城

恒星英语学习网 2017年07月06日

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      之中国16:The Great wall 长城

      T:  Tourist    L: Local
      T:游客    L:当地人

      T: Hi, do you speak English?

      L: Yes, I do! What can I do to help you?

      T: Well. I know very little about the Great Wall. Do you know anything about its history?

      L: Of course !

      T:. Could you tell me when it was built?

      L: It has a history of more than 2, 000 years, in the dynasties of Qin. Han and Ming

      T: 2,000 years !  That's a long time !
      T: 2000年!那历史很长了!

      L: Yes. Some civilisations have long histories , especially China.

      T: OK, how long is it exactly?

      L:It's 6,700 kilometres long. But, unfortunately some sections are in ruins or lost forever. It stretches across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus.

      T: It sounds amazing. Where can I see an untouched area? I mean, an area where not so many tourists go.

      L: You could go to Simatai. That area is pretty untouched, with few tourists But I think the best place to view the Great Wall is here at Badaling because we have a museum here.

      T: Do you know who built the wall?

      L: It was a team effort of soldiers, prisoners and locals. We believe it shows the tenacity of the Chinese people.

      T: Before, you mentioned that the wall was built during many dynasties. Which dynasty does the part we can see now come from?

      L: Most of the wall we call see today comes from the Ming dynasty. It's a shame, but nowadays only 30% of the wall is in good condition. But, the Ming dynasty part is still very long. It goes from Shanhaiguan Pass in the east to Jiayuguan Pass in the west.  It passes through Liaoning, Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia,Shaanxi and Gansu.

      T: Wow! I didn't realise it ran that far. I'd love to see another section.

      L: As I said before, you could try Simatai. But it's quite difficult to get to,110 kilometres north east of Beijing. But I can help you to find a way to get there.
      L:我刚才说过,你可以去司马台看看。但是去那个地方不太容易,它在北京的东北方向1 10公里的地有。不过我能帮你找到去那里的路线。

      T: Thank you so much. You have taught me so much already, but I can't to find out more.

      lost forever永远不能修复
      untouched area保存完好的地方
      team effort共同努力
      go from…从……开始
      run that far延伸那么长
      stretch across 跨过
      pretty untouched保存很好
      in good condition保存完好
      pass  through经过
      can try可以试试

