练口语消除尴尬,从study 和 work开场!

恒星英语学习网 2016年03月03日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

      世界上最遥远的距离,是我和你面对面,却无话可说!今天小编给你提供一个万能的开场话题——study or work!帮你分分钟打破尴尬,扫变英语口语角,口语杠杠的!

      Part 1:Study or Work

      1.Do you work or are you a student?

      Part 2:Study

      1.Do you like your major(专业)?Why/Why not.

      2.What is the most interesting part of your study?

      3.Who plays a more important role in your study,the teachers or the classmates?

      4.Are there any public facilities near your university/school?

      5.What is your dream job in the future?

      I think you'd better...

      My suggestion is that...

      I'd like to offer a suggestion that...

      Part 3:Work

      1.What job do you do?

      2.Have you received training before/during this job?

      3.Do you like your work?

      4.Which day of a week would you like to change,and how would you want to make a change?

      5.Why don't you like your job?




      国际贸易学International Trade


      政治学Political Science





      新闻传播学Journalism and Communication



      理学 Natural Science

      应用数学 Applied Mathematics

      天文学 Astronomy

      生物学 Biology

      兽医学 Veterinary Medicine

      基础医学 Basic Medicine

      药学 Pharmaceutical Science

      工商管理学 Science of Businesse Administration

      会计学 Accounting

      社会保障学 Social Security

      土地资源管理学 Land Resource Management
