轻松美语会话口袋丛书 请求

恒星英语学习网 2009年06月11日

      Source: 恒星英语学习网我要投稿   论坛   Favorite  

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      同步字幕下载[点击右键另存为][00:00.00]恒星英语(hxen.com) I would like to make a request .
      [00:02.74]Would you mind not smoking ?
      [00:05.40]Can you open the window for me ?
      [00:07.60]Can you give me a ride to the train station?
      [00:10.33]Can you drop this by the post office for me ?
      [00:13.39]Can you get that box down from the top shelf?I can't quite reach it .
      [00:18.32]Would you check and see if there are any more in stock?
      [00:22.03]Would you be able to water my plants while I'm on vacation this week?
      [00:25.74]Can you please shut the door ?It's getting col
      [00:29.41]I'm short of money.Can you spot me a loan?
      [00:33.01]I coulk use some extra  help these days .What do you say ?
      [00:37.12]It wouldn't kill you to pick up after yourself now and then.
      [00:39.02]你怎么就不时而的自己搞搞卫生呢  。
      [00:40.93]Can you give me a lift into town?
      [00:43.20]Can  you cover me for lunch?I left my wallet at the office.
      [00:47.66]Can you take your shoes off before you come in the house?
      [00:50.90]Slow down.You're driving much too fast .
      [00:54.58]Can I have a look at the pictures from your trip?
      [00:57.89]Your presence is requested for dinner next Wednesday evening.
      [01:01.67]I would like to request for a book through inter-library loan.
      [01:05.34]Please honor my requests .I do not think that I am asking too much .
      [01:09.88]My requests are all reasonable.I expect them to be fulfilled.
      [01:14.63]Would it be too much trouble to request you to meet our party at the airport when I arrive?
      [01:19.20]It would be a great favor to me if you could manage to attend the event tonight.
      [01:24.17]Is it asking too much if I request you to do a couple of errands for me on your way to work today ?
